Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 24 – Be S.M.A.R.T When Setting Goals

Join Bob Urichuck and Matthew Whyatt in the latest episode of Velocity Selling T.V. Bob shares the three things you need to do in order to make the goals and dreams you have a reality.

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Velocity Selling T.V. Episode 24 – Be S.M.A.R.T When Setting Goals
Matthew: Welcome to Velocity Selling T.V. This is Matthew Whyatt and episode number twenty-five as we take you through an entire year of really getting under the hood of Velocity Selling and how to actually implement these ideas and strategies into your life to make sure you can live the best life possible. We’ve got the founder and the person that created the whole thing, Bob Urichuck on the line. G’Day Bob. How are you going?
Bob: Great Matthew and great to be back with everyone again.
Matthew: Fantastic. Look, we did have a couple weeks off, had some technical issues, but we’re back. And you can see here I’m in my new office, so we’re ready to rock and roll. So last time we spoke about the price you’re willing to pay. It’s not just a financial price, but the physical, the effort that you’re going to go to achieve your goals and one of the things you mentioned is a goal log. So Bob, do you wanna talk us through how you created the goal log and implemented that throughout your training sessions.
Bob: Yeah, cause, you see, what we did so far is we’ve taken the dreams, we’ve narrowed down the dreams, we grouped up, categorised them, prioritised them, we defined yes, we’re willing to pay the price, well now, let’s take one of those goals that you’re willing to pay the price and set it out as a S.M.A.R.T goal. S.M.A.R.T being the usual: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Tied to a Timetable. So, a S.M.A.R.T goal is not to build a house. A S.M.A.R.T goal would build, to be to build a 3,200 square foot, or you know, square meter house, finished it in a certain way with so many bedrooms. So, more descriptive, it’s very specific. So the first part of the goal log, and the reason we create a goal log is you do it for short term, medium term, and long term goals. So for now, a good exercise for everybody is just take a short term goal. Something you want to accomplish in the next, let’s say, twelve to eighteen months. You know maybe you want to pay off a debt or put a deposit on something or buy a car, whatever that goal is, start by writing it out and try to be as specific as you can, don’t forget, there’s got to be measurables, so there’s size or there’s volume, things like that. It’s got to be actionable, and of course, a thing that people miss a lot is the time table. The time table itself has to be specific. If you say, to build that house by July 2017, that’s specific. But if you say, I’m gonna build a house in a year, well guess what, a year from now we’re going to be saying I’ll have that house in a year, in a year, in a year, and that year never comes. So you have to be specific all the dates and with all the details you can. So that’s the first step, is taking the time to write out that S.M.A.R.T goal. Then what we need to do, and this is very important because the more goals are, the more emotion we put into our goals, via feelings, visualisation, you know what I mean? The more we feel it, real, inside, the more it happens on the outside. So what we have to do is take the time to define our outcomes. So Matthew, whatever, do you have a short term goal that you’d like to work on that we could use as an example?
Matthew: So a short term goal I’d like to be recognised as a speaker. I mentioned this, I think I mentioned this in a previous video, I’m not too sure.
Bob: Ok. So, you want to be a professional speaker by a certain date?
Matthew: Yeah that’s right.
Bob: Ok, so you got that date out there. Now let’s, let’s say when is it, let’s use June 2017 as an example. It’s a year, just over a year from now.
Matthew: You got it.
Bob: Under a year from now already, how time is flying. What you need to do is define what are the three things that you see? So, the first thing that we’re gonna do is, we’re gonna define three visual things. I want you to be now, June 2017, what are three things that you see? Close your eyes if you need to. What do you see? Three things, one year from now.
Matthew: Well, three things, one year from now is, I am getting called to have me as a speaker.
Bob: That’s what you hear.
Matthew: Pardon?
Bob: That’s what you hear. What do you see?
Matthew: A check for a speaking engagement.
Bob: Ok, is it about the money? In other words are you finding the right goal? Because iis it to be a professional speaker or is it to earn a certain amount of money?
Matthew: It’s not really about the money, it’s actually about being able to share the ideas I’m learning from you and other areas and bringing that out to the Australian market.
Bob: Ok. So that’s a different thing. So what you would see for example is you would see the audience in front of you.
Matthew: Yes, ok.
Bob: You would see them giving you standing ovations.
Matthew: Ok.
Bob: You would see the smiles on people’s faces and the various emotions that you take people through as a speaker. Get the idea? These are three things you would see.
Matthew: Oh, ok.
Bob: The next thing, what would be the three things you would hear? You would hear applause.
Matthew: Yes.
Bob: You would hear “Great job Matthew,”.
Matthew: Yes.
Bob: “Matthew, I want to work with you,” all these kind of things and then of course the final one is what would you feel?
Matthew: Ok, a great sense of accomplishment, absolutely, and feel pretty good about myself, yeah.
Bob: Exactly. You, it boosts your self-confidence and your presence and your courage and everything else and you know, it’s all these feelings mixed together. So if we live that, inside our mind on a regular basis, we’re going to make it a reality. Napolean Hill said it best, “whatever the mind may, can, conceive, and believe, it can achieve.” So the whole idea here, you have to start inside by visualising, seeing it, making it real in your own head to accomplish it on the external. So I think for this episode Matthew, let’s just break it off here. I think this is enough homework for everybody. First, if you can, when you put out the video, we can attach the goal log book, so we can,
Matthew: Absolutely.
Bob: so we can, start walking people through it. So everybody, download the goal log book. Start by defining your S.M.A.R.T. goal, short term, twelve months to eighteen months and we’ll go through the process. Identify the S.M.A.R.T goal, don’t forget to make it S.M.A.R.T, and the three outcomes. Three things that you see, three things that you hear, and three things that you feel. Define those and we’ll pick it up from there in the next episode.
Matthew: Fantastic Bob. Well I’ll put those links below the video here and I’ll talk to you in the next episode. Bye now.
Bob: Alright thank you.

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Matthew has been involved in the growth of many businesses across multiple industries including, health products, software development, IT consultancy, Real Estate and franchise sales with personal sales of over $100 million.

After all of this hard work Matthew took a year off with his wife and two children in Bali. After returning to Australia Matthew was ready to take on his next challenge, following his passion in Sales, and joined the Velocity Selling team as CEO.

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