Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 16 – Get To Know Yourself

In this episode of Velocity Selling TV, Matthew and Bob discuss how getting to know yourself is one of the most important factors of the Velocity Selling system

Velocity Selling TV Episode 16- Get to Know Yourself
Matthew: Well, welcome back to Velocity Selling TV. Uh it’s Matthew here, I’m on the Gold Coast and we’ve got Bob up in Ottawa Canada. Hi Bob.
Bob: Yeah, Hi Matthew, great to be with you again.
Matthew: Yeah, good to be here as well. And actually, what we’ve been doing over the last sixteen episodes, this is episode sixteen. What we’ve been doing over that time is really asking our, uh, uh, our listeners to, to understand themselves., and, and really work from a point of attitude, and of course, with the Velocity Selling system, it works in the A, B, C, D, system. And of course, A stands for Attitude. So what I wanted to ask you today Bob, is I guess wrap it all up. How do people really get to know themselves, and, and things like that? So Bob, over to you.
Bob: Alright, well Matthew, we’ve talked a lot about a lot of different things uh, throughout the last fifteen, sixteen episodes, from you know, the definition of success, motivations, uh, uh, discipline. We, we talked about getting to know your rights, your right to fail, your right to ask, uh, we took you through the right to like yourself as you are, the I.R Theory- to like yourself from the inside out, and to make a decision to lead your life from the inside out. There’s one more section that we really just need to touch on here and that is, it summarizes it all, of getting to know yourself. Now, we are the most important people in the world, we’ve concluded that. But, do you know yourself? And when we talk about knowing yourself, it’s a matter of sitting down and writing out your strengths and your weaknesses. What are the things you’re really good at, identifying your strengths, and also your weaknesses. Then, it’s making a decision about turning some weaknesses into strengths, and accepting yourself the way you are. You also need to know, what are your values? What are the things you value most? And, in one of our books, and I believe it’s in Discipline for Life, we have a complete value chart there. And we can even provide that to our reader’s so they can go through and define their own values. But it goes even a step further. And Matthew, it’d be like this: we’d take a topic and let’s take the topic of family. And if you don’t mind sharing with me your answers on this because you yourself are a family man. Now, in your role as family, how would you feel you rate yourself, in performance, on a scale of 0 to 10 for family?
Matthew: Well with the family, I, uh, I do try to uh spend the time that I’ve got allocated to be actually present so I’d say I’d give myself, probably and eight, I know that there are uh, areas I could probably do a little bit better, but generally, an eight.
Bob: Look, you take this as an example. So family we rated as an eight. Then I want you to answer these questions, Why did you rate yourself like this? So that will allow you to put out all the positive factors. This way, you’re identifying positive factors. Then the next thing you wanna do is, what areas need improvement? In other words, what do you have to do to get yourself to a ten? Now, by doing this for family, for personal, for financial, uh, for social, for uh, you know spiritual, mental, career, any of these topics, you’re getting to know yourself, where you stand, and what you need to do to get yourself to a ten. So, once again, we’re always striving for a ten because when you believe you’re a ten, when you start to demonstrate you’re a ten, and you start to feel like a ten, what happens? Your results, are top notch. And that really sums it all up. Again, it’s from the inside. Getting to know yourself, because yes you are the most important person in the world, and you need to put your focus on that. You need to take care of this, cause this is all you’ve got. So, everything we’ve talked about, in attitude towards yourself, is building the foundation to the next steps that we’re going on to. From here, we’re gonna take a look at your attitude towards your organization. Then, we’re gonna take a look at your attitude towards your buyer, and then we’re gonna flip over and flip, and get into behavior, competencies, and move on with the rest of the system.
Matthew: Well that’s fantastic Bob. Uh, I’m going to be doing that also, so I’ll go ahead and find the value chart and put it in below the uh, in the uh, in the comment section on the youtube page and alsdo the blog at our website and look, if, if people are getting some value out of it, if you’ve been getting some value out of this, not you Bob, but the listeners, chuckles, if you’ve been getting value out of this, do go ahead and sign up for a seven day free trial. Have a look at actually what we’re doing. You know, Bob’s talked at a very high level about these things, you know we actually get really deep and go at a whole other level so we can make sure your success, uh, you can build success internally, which will also build external success as well. So look, um…go ahead.
Bob: Sorry, I was just gonna say in addition to that Matthew, the nice part about going online and learning this is, you get the workbook, you get the charts,
Matthew: Yes.
Bob: And you get the tasks and the real life application out of it. What we’re talking about here are really highlights and that’s a good point that you raise, it’s free of charge and really, it’s worth taking advantage of to really increase your learning and your performance.
Matthew: Fantastic. Well that’s what we’re here to do, is to serve people, provide everybody the opportunity to, to grow personally and financially and business wise. This is not just a regular sales course with another tricky way to manipulate the customer. That’s really not what we’re about, and certainly not what you’re about. It’s actually building a level of internal, uh, growth, so externally the business comes to you.
Bob: You can’t give something to the outside world if you don’t have it inside to give away. I need everybody to get themselves up to a ten so they can produce like a ten.
Matthew: Fantastic Bob. Well, on that note, I’m gonna leave it there. Thanks very much for, once again, amazing coaching. I love doing these. Hopefully, everybody else is getting as much value out of these sessions as I am, uh, but, you know, if they’re not, I am, so, uh, we’ll just keep rolling forward. That was episode sixteen and we’ll keep moving forward throughout the year. So, once again, thanks very much Bob, we really appreciate your time.
Bob: Thank you Matthew.
Matthew: Bye now.
Bob: Bye.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 15 – Take Control Of Your Life

In this episode of Velocity Selling TV, Matthew, CEO of Velocity Selling, and Bob, founder of Velocity Selling discuss the importance of taking control of your life.

Matthew: Hi, and welcome to Velocity Selling TV. This is episode fifteen and thank you so much for the comments everybody. If you do have any comments about how we might be able to make this better, any topics you want us to cover, do go ahead in the comments below on youtube. Let us know what you want. We do read all of them. We respond to all of them. Let us know how we can help. So, today what we’re talking about is actually taking control of your life and, uh, Bob’s been out there, in the uh, I guess the springtime of uh, of Canada visiting friends and relatives. You can see that Bob’s taking control of his life with his, a bit more casual attire. Welcome Bob. How are ya going?
Bob: Good, uh, Matthew. I was actually out today. I have a, a neighbour who has a farm and he and his sister have lived together, he’s ninety-six years old, she’s ninety-seven years old,…
Matthew: Wow.
Bob: …and they’ve both been recently admitted to a home, so I made a commitment to go and take ‘em for drives, like, at least once a week, ya know, keep ‘em fresh and young, because they’re great people. Now, one of the things Matthew, when we’re talking about taking control of your life, let me ask you a couple questions: What are some things that we have absolutely no control over? And any audiences out there, or the participants, listen to this and answer these questions. What are some of the things we have absolutely no control over?
Matthew: Well, you know it’s, uh, things like the weather. Today, it’s actually, we’re in autumn now, so it’s starting to rain and it’s looking a bit bleak out there. You can see it’s a bit darker in my room, I’ve got all the lights on, windows open, but yeah, it’s, you can’t control the weather. Definitely not.
Bob: You got it. Now, we’re the opposite. We’re going into spring as you’re going into fall.
Matthew: Absolutely.
Bob: The snow is starting to melt, the sun is shining, and it’s getting nicer outside. So you can see how we’re opposites there. So, you’re absolutely right, we cannot control the weather. We cannot control traffic. We cannot control what other people say or do.
Matthew: No.
Bob: Bottom line is this: If we can’t control it, why do we let it upset us on a daily basis?
Matthew: Well, that’s right, people often wanna play the uh, what I call playing the victim card. I don’t know what you call it, but uh, ya know, people there like ‘Oh, well I..’. It occurs to me that often times people like to complain just to actually have something to say.
Bob: Exactly. Now, here’s the thing, we can’t control it. What we have to learn is to let it be. We need to make ourselves aware of the things that are under our control. In other words, we need to take control of our lives. And this kinda like brings the whole picture together of attitude towards yourself. If you can’t control you, how could you ever control the sales process? And that’s a big part of Velocity Selling , is to be in control. To be doing what you’re doing. So let’s start with the foundation, being in control of yourself. What are some obvious things that are under our control?
Matthew: Well, certainly how we actually approach people and our attitude. That’s certainly something that’s under my control.
Bob: Our attitude is 100% under our control and as previously mentioned if we wanna increase our performance by 100%, all we gotta do is master our attitude. So, attitude is part of it. Uh, how about the way you react to people? Is that under your control?
Matthew: 100%.
Bob: Exactly. Some people may say ‘No, it’s not under my control’. Well , how you react is 100% under your control. You’re self-talk, is that under your control?
Matthew: Of course. You know the way that uh, the way that people, uh, the way that I, I can’t talk about other people, but the way that I actually speak to myself on a daily basis, ‘Am I good enough? How am I going to approach this?’. Actually, I was in a sales meeting, I was going to a sales meeting the other day, and uh, there, it was a big corporate client, and I thought ‘Well, how do I deal with this?’. And you know what, the only way I dealt with this is by moving in with, a, a, an attitude of service, because I know I’ve got value there.
Bob: Yeah.
Matthew: So that’s, it immediately gave me that boost. So, absolutely in charge of my self-talk.
Bob: Exactly. So, what we have to do is take control of the things under our control: our attitude, uh, the way we react to other people, our self-talk, and most importantly, our thoughts. Our thoughts of today are tomorrow. We need to guard this. So to do these things, we number 1: We have to be aware. Aware of how we’re reacting, aware of our attitude, aware of what we’re saying to ourselves. And we need to stop this negativity and turn it around to positivity. Now, there’s a couple of techniques that we use here. One is, we call it a ‘Red X’ where you stamp out negativity. If it’s not under your control, just stamp it out. Stamp out negativity. We can’t do anything about it, let it be. Put our focus on what we want, as opposed to what we don’t want.
Matthew: Yes.
Bob: And that’s where you’ll start to take control of your life by realizing what’s under your control and what’s not. So, a good part of it is, when you wake up in the morning, are you grateful for another day?
Matthew: My answer is ‘Yeah’.
Bob: And…
Matthew: And my, my kids jump into the bed and they, it’s actually a really great way to start the day. Chuckling. So yeah,
Bob: So you see, that is something that is under our control. Just to be aware that we woke up. We should be thankful, and it’s gonna be a great day, getting really excited about today. Why are we excited? ‘Cause we woke up and we have another day. But let’s face it, all of these things are under our control. Let’s start to take control of the things under our control and start to make a difference in our life. This is the foundation that will give the results in sales that you’re looking for.
Matthew: That’s perfect Bob. Well that, that’s a great way to leave it. So uh, thank you very much and uh, I’ll see you next week.
Bob: Alright, thanks again Matthew.
Matthew: Bye Bob.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 14 – Make A Decision

In the most recent episode of Velocity Selling TV, Founder Bob Urichuck and CEO Matthew Whyatt discuss the importance of making a decision.

Matthew: Well, hi everybody, Matthew here down in Australia and of course, once again we’ve got Bob Urichuck up in Canada. Hi Bob.
Bob: Hey Matthew. How’s it going?
Matthew: Very well indeed.
Bob: Good.
Matthew: Hey look, we’re gonna be doing another episode today of Velocity Selling TV and um, we’ve got Bob on the line. Just wanted to talk, you know Bob, we’ve been talking about the- Your Rights to Fail, Your Rights to Ask, and all those rights, and really when it comes to sales, what I’ve found is people really need to make a personal, internal decision about their level of success, not just asking their clients to make a decision. So, I wanted to ask you about that. So what do you mean by ‘Make a decision’?
Bob: Well, make a decision is a very simple thing. You see, a lot of people never progress in life simply because they can’t make a decision. And indecision is usually caused by fear: what if? What if? And of course, with ‘what if’, you get indecision, which follows into procrastination, paralysis, nothing gets done. So when we think about that, you have to make decisions. Life is all about knowing where you wanna go, what you wanna do, when you wanna do it, and you gotta make decisions. Making a decision and being a decision maker is a very important skill to have would you not agree?
Matthew: Oh, look, absolutely. You know, decision is to uh, I think it’s from a French word as to cut away, so it takes away options. Is that right?
Bob: Well that’s it. It kinda narrows it down. ‘Decision’ is the word in French, it’s the same. I’ve never looked at it that way, but it is, yeah, you really need to narrow things down. But here’s the decision I want everybody to think about, and to make: It’s a very simple decision. And it’s a simple decision. That only determines your life and what’s important to you. We talked about the BAFAR system, how your beliefs determine your attitudes, how your attitudes determine, uh, the actions you take, the actions you take determine the results you get, etc. We talked about the IR theory, how important our identity is, versus our role. And if we look at all these things, it all starts with who? Yourself. The most important person in the world. Would you not agree?
Matthew: Of course, yeah. Absolutely.
Bob: So, here’s the big thing, the BIG decision that I like people to think about and to make, is, do you want to continue to lead your life from the outside in? Or do you wanna lead your life from the inside out? It’s you, the decision maker, that will make that decision work. So you need to think about that. Do you wanna continue your life along the path you’ve been following? Ya know, looking at the outside world and reacting accordingly? Or going internal? To the most important person in the world and getting to know that inner voice and what that inner voice is saying to you and following that inner voice. I have found success is internal. Motivation is internal. And certainly, our future is internal. Make a decision. The decision I recommend you make is living your life from the inside out. But that’s not my decision to make for you. It’s your decision, for you, to make for yourself. How do you want to live your life? From the outside in? Or the inside out?
Matthew: Well that’s fantastic Bob, I really appreciate that nice little lesson there because there’s so many influences in our world today, with Facebook, and various social media, everybody’s looking a certain way. You know we don’t put up on social media that you sit there at your computer for eight hours, but you do put up on social media the time you went jet skiing with your friends. If everybody lived that life in reality, well, nobody’d get any work done.
Bob: Exactly.
Matthew: So, people need to develop this internal motivation and I guess they, they’ve got to separate their identity in their role to ensure that they’re actually able to know when times get tough, to continue to push through, and as you’ve said, make a decision whether how to live from the outside in. You know, seeing everybody else and how they live on Instagram, and Facebook and things like that, or build a, a level of self-worth internally and then uh project that out.
Bob: You see, the biggest problem Matthew, everybody’s so busy out here, that they’ve got no time for in here. And all I’m suggesting is, you’ll never find the time to do these things, you have to make the time. If you are really the most important person in the world, make a commitment to yourself, follow through on it and make a decision about living your life from the inside out. And then continuing that regards for the rest of your life.
Matthew: Well Bob, that’s perfect. I think we’ve uh. I think that’s a great little lesson I want to leave people with today. Thanks very much, I’ll see you next time.
Bob: Alright, thank you Matthew.
Matthew: Bye now.
Bob: Bye.

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Kevin Harrington with Velocity Selling Masterminds

Often times in sales, salespeople find they are asking themselves ‘How can we close the sale the fastest?’. When you ask yourself the wrong questions, you will have an unfavourable outcome. However, when you apply the Velocity Selling method to your sales career, you will not only learn how to ask the right questions, you will learn how to achieve your goals, giving you the favourable outcome you were looking for to begin with- making the sale.

One of the key aspects of Velocity Selling is how to bridge the gap between salespeople and those who are potential buyers. Salespeople can close the gap by finding ways to build relationships with potential clients and actually meeting their needs. When there is a relationship built, there is trust and Velocity Selling can guide you on the right path to succeeding with each and every client.

In fact, Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank and ‘As Seen on T.V.’ believes that the Velocity Selling difference is what leading edge companies and individuals use to be the most competitive in the sales world. Kevin Harrington, working in cooperation with Matthew Whyatt, CEO of Velocity Selling, is striving to bring Velocity Selling to the global markets. This is due solely from the positive benefits and actual results seen when salespeople are using the techniques that Velocity Selling is founded upon.

Check out the interview below

Furthermore, founder Bob Urichuck, one of the top salespeople in the world, can attest that the Velocity Selling difference will do just that- make a difference. Those who follow the guidance of Velocity Selling find that they have better salesperson to client relationships, as well as an overall confidence and positivity radiating from them. You see, the Velocity Selling Difference is not only seen in sales, the techniques learned will help to further improve you as an individual.

How does the cutting edge sales coaching technique that is Velocity Selling help you grow as an individual and as a salesperson? The answer is simply this- when you are living your life from the inside out, whatever you are putting out into the world will be applied to your work, daily life, and relationships. This is what the Velocity Selling Difference is all about- teaching salespeople to be more confident, more positive, and giving them the skills to be more successful in their role.

Finding your bottom line, creating that trustful relationship between you and your clients, and living your life from the inside out, are just a few examples of what the Velocity Selling Difference can offer you or your company. Sales companies from across the globe can attest to the astounding methods of the Velocity Selling Difference. From fortune 500 companies to local businesses and everyone in between can reap the proven benefits that Velocity Selling has to offer.

Velocity Selling is expanding across the global sales market to ensure that everyone has the chance to improve themselves and their sales techniques. When you learn how to ask and how to ask the right questions, you will achieve your most favourable outcome. Close those sales today using the Velocity Selling Difference and make a difference in yourself as well as your bottom line.

Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 13 – The IR Theory

In Episode 13 of Velocity Selling T.V., CEO Matthew Whyatt and Founder, Bob Urichuck discuss the importance of the I,R Theory.

Matthew: Welcome to Velocity Selling T.V. My name’s Matthew Whyatt. I’m here on the Gold Coast in Australia and we’ve got the founder of Velocity Selling up in Ottawa Canada. Welcome Bob.
Bob: Yeah hey Matthew, good to see you again.
Matthew: Thanks very much. Hey look Bob, last time we spoke about the uh, uh, our ten rights, and then at the end of that session, you talked about the I,R theory. What is that?
Bob: Umm, alright. So, uh we talked about liking yourself as you are, we discussed the BAFAR system, the right to fail, the right to ask. Ok, the I,R theory is, umm, it’s, I’m gonna take you through a little self-discovery process for all the participates, everybody listening here today will get this, I hope. Um, I stands for ‘Identity’, it’s who you are. R stands for your role. For example, my role, I’m a speaker and a trainer, uh a coach. Your role, you’re a CEO, you’re an entrepreneur, you’re a businessman. Get the idea?
Matthew: Sure I understand.
Bob: So, yeah, our roles don’t always dictate our identity, so what I wanna do is take you through what I call ‘Identity versus Role’. So let’s start with the role side. I want you to think about your role. Your present role,
Matthew: Mmmhmm
Bob: and I want you to rate your performance in that role on a scale of zero to ten. Zero- you show up to work and do nothing, Ten- you’re top performer. How would you rate your performance in the role that you’re presently playing?
Matthew: Well, I think there’s always room for improvement, so I’d have to give myself around about, probably an 8.
Bob: Well, I don’t need your answer by the way, but that’s good. Here’s what we’re gonna do (holding up chart with I,R separated into columns.) Identity. Role.
Matthew: Ok.
Bob: Let’s start with, with uh, I’m gonna say three. Now, now this isn’t you personally, thanks for, ya know, sharing your answer Matthew, but that’s excellent. But let’s say somebody rates their role as a three. Now, why would they rate their role as a three? Well, there’s two reasons: One, they just started in their job, they just started a week, two weeks ago, and their not fully informed on their job and their learning. So it’s ok to be a ‘three’. That’s perfectly normal. The other reason it’s a three is because you hate your job. You can’t stand going to work, you can’t stand the people towards you. Get the idea?
Matthew: Sure do.
Bob: If you feel like a three, how does it make you feel about yourself? On the identity side?
Matthew: interrupting Bob Well often, the role and the identity- sorry go on,
Bob: No no, if, if, you perform like a three, regardless whether you hate your job, or you’re new at your job, if you perform like a three, how does it make you feel about yourself on a scale of zero to ten?
Matthew: Well usually about a three.
Bob: Yeah, certainly not more than a three. So you’ve got the idea. But let’s say you’ve been with the organization for ten, twenty, thirty years, and you’ve rated yourself as a nine? Now, you’re a top performer, you know it. Everything else, how does it make you feel?
Matthew: Makes you feel really good.
Bob: Also like a nine probably right?
Matthew: Absolutely.
Bob: Now, you come into work today Matthew, and let’s say I’m your boss and I say ‘Matthew, I wanna thank you for your twenty years of dedicated service, but due to downsizing, right sizing, or whatever, we no longer need you. What happens to your role? You go from a nine to?
Matthew: Zero.
Bob: How does it make you feel?
Matthew: Well you know if, if you attach your role and your identity together, you’re also gonna feel like a zero aren’t you?
Bob: Exactly. Now, how many people do you know in the last twenty years that have lost their jobs, they’ve lost their jobs, they’ve lost their role? With the loss of their role, they’ve lost their identity, lost their family, turned to drugs, alcohol, and even gone as far as committing suicide.
Matthew: Well that’s right and you also see it in people who are retired, people who are vital and capable during their career, they retire, and they, they, they pass away.
Bob: That’s it. And that’s the second part. Then you have these people retire, within five years, they end up dying, that’s the question, the answer, I get to the question, all over the world. But here’s the thing, that’s always because society has led us to believe that role, title and roles, are what success is all about. If you’re a CEO, are you not better than a director? Are you now better than a manager or a clerk? Society leads us to believe that, so they motivated us towards these higher role levels thinking it’s roles when in reality look at what it does to us, it kills us.
Matthew: chuckles
Bob: So, this, this by the way, is I ask the question ‘Who am I?’. You just defined who you were by the role you play.
Matthew: Mmmm.
Bob: Most people do. Would you agree?
Matthew: Absolutely.
Bob: When you introduce yourself, do you say who you are and what you do?
Matthew: Yeah, especially at a networking event, they ask a question ‘Who are you and what do you do?’, and you tell them your role.
Bob: There’s the role, that’s where our focus is. So, now let me take you on another exercise. Again, the question now is different. The question is not, the question, the first one was, ‘Who am I?’, Now the question is: ‘Who am I without roles?’. I want you to be stripped of all your roles. You’re not a salesperson, you’re not a manager, you’re not a CEO, you’re not an entrepreneur, you’re none of these things. I want you to be stripped naked down to you, and yourself, surrounded by mirrors if you want, I want you to rate what you see. Zero- I’m a nobody, Ten- I’m somebody to be dealt with. Now, don’t give me your answer.
Matthew: Ok.
Bob: Let’s go back here and work this in opposite. (holding up the chart). If you rated your identity as a three, it’s because you have low self-esteem, low self-confidence, you’re lacking courage, you don’t believe in yourself. You’re leading your life from the outside in, as opposed to the inside out. You’re reactive. You became a doctor because daddy’s a doctor and daddy wanted you to grow up and be just like him, but you hate being a doctor. Get the idea?
Matthew: Sure.
Bob: So if you feel like a three, how are you gonna perform in any role of your choosing?
Matthew: Pretty poorly.
Bob: As a three.
Matthew: As a three.
Bob: However, let’s say you sat down with yourself, the most important person in the world. You asked yourself what you want and you’re out seeking it. You know what you want, you are proactive, not reactive. You don’t wait for things to happen, you make things happen, because you’ve got good eslf-confidence, good self-esteem. You believe in you and you’re living your life from the inside out, so you feel like a nine. If you feel like a nine, how are you gonna perform in any role of your choosing?
Matthew: A nine. You will definitely….
Bob: Exactly. You come into work today and your boss says ‘We no longer need you’ well, your role drops to zero, but what does it do to your identity?
Matthew: It doesn’t impact it.
Bob: It stays as a nine. It doesn’t impact it. See, what we’re talking about here under identity, this is your level of self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect. That all adds up to your self-worth. Your self-worth translates into your net worth. I ask people in the room, ‘How many millionaires do we got in the room?’, very few hands go up. Then I explain to them how ten years ago I had a bad accident. I broke my femur in five places, there were all spiral brakes, and I was told I’d never walk again. They ended up putting a pin through my knee, a plate up the side, and fifteen screws to put it together. People used to say I was screwed up, now it’s official.
Matthew: chuckling
Bob: But Matthew, would you sell me your leg for a million bucks?
Matthew: Uh, no I wouldn’t.
Bob: Would you sell me an eyeball for a million bucks?
Matthew: No, definitely not.
Bob: What value do you place on yourself? Are you not a mi- a mega billionaire?
Matthew: chuckling Absolutely.
Bob: coughing Excuse me. You see, here’s what happens, you came into this world as a millionaire, but you’ve beaten yourself up, you’ve criticized yourself. You came in as a ten, and you’ve pushed yourself down to a level where you might be right now and this is where you need to work on your identity. And when you strengthen your identity from the inside out, that’ll give you the performance you need to perform in any role of your choosing. This is basic H to H, human being to human being, the way it works. Would you agree?
Matthew: Absolutely Bob. That’s fantastic.
Bob: Anyways, that’s the I,R theory. I want you to focus on your identity, not your roles. It’s your identity that will get you there. I want you to get back up to a ten. And by the way, Matthew, it’s a great exercise. You know, we should actually, we’ve talked about this, maybe doing this for participants to put notes on and help evaluate meetings.
Matthew: Ok.
Bob: And evaluate how. But anyways, great stuff. Till next episode, we’ll talk about, I’ll wrap it all up for ya.
Matthew: Thanks very much Bob. Talk to you soon.
Bob: That’s what I owe you. Thank you.
Matthew: Ok, bye now.
Bob: Bye.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 12 – Your Right to Ask

In this episode of Velocity Selling T.V., Matthew Whyatt and Bob Urichuck discuss the importance and need for your right to ask.

Matthew: Welcome to Velocity Selling TV. My name’s Matthew Whyatt, on the Gold Coast here in Australia, and we’ve got the founder of Velocity Selling, Bob Urichuck, up in Ottawa Canada. Welcome Bob.
Bob: Well thank you Matthew, I, um, am looking forward to another episode with you.
Matthew: chuckles Fantastic. Now, last week we spoke about your right to fail, and this week we’re gonna talk about your right to ask. And certainly sales people need to learn, uh, that they have the right to ask, don’t they?
Bob: Most definitely. If anything, Matthew, if anything this is the foundation to sales. This is the, the, secret to everything and, and if anything, I’m gonna put it really simple, what are the, ya know, why don’t people ask? What’s the real reason why people don’t ask?
Matthew: Fear of rejection, I would say.
Bob: You got it. Fear. Fear. F.E.A.R.- False Evidence Appearing Real. It’s only real in your head. And if you have that fear you’re gonna attract in your life and you’re gonna have that fear of asking. Here’s the thing, it’s like they say in Asia, I don’t wanna lose face, so they don’t ask.
Matthew: Yep, ok.
Bob: What you’re doing here is by saying I don’t wanna lose face so I didn’t ask. Are you not losing face within yourself? Because here’s the thing, if you don’t ask, what’s the chances of getting a positive response?
Matthew: Uh, Nil.
Bob: Nil.
Matthew: chuckling Yeah.
Bob: If I have the courage to ask, what are the odds of getting a response? A positive response?
Matthew: Well it’s either a yes or no, so I’d say a 50/50.
Bob: Exactly! I got a 50/50 chance of getting a response. I don’t ask, I don’t get. I ask, I got a 50% chance of getting it. If I get a no, did I lose anything?
Matthew: No, you never had anything to start with.
Bob: You got it! So, no big deal, I, I never had it in the first place so it’s gone. But the chances of getting that yes, have increased. Now, here’s the thing you gotta understand about ask, and it’s not my quote, it’s been around for over 2000 years, A.S.K.- A stands for ask. Now, we know what happens when you ask, ask and you will?
Matthew: Ask and you shall receive.
Bob: Exactly. S is seek and you will find. K is knock and the door be open. So here’s the thing, when was the last time you sat down with the most important person in the world and asked that person whatcha want outta life? Whatcha you wanna be? Whatcha wanna do? Where you wanna go? Because once you ask yourself that, and document it, you can now go seeking. And it’s in the seeking that doors of opportunity come straight in front of us, and all we gotta do is have the courage to knock. And when we knock, that door is open. And when you ask that question is answered. So the whole thing here, this has been around, and it’s the foundation to it. So we have to start asking, and that’s key in sales because if you’re always talking, you’re not engaging. And people wanna be buyers, particular wanna be engaged today. So we need to engage buyers. The way we do that is we ask questions. We also help them to discover for themselves where the problems are and where the solutions are available. And we empower buyers to buy, and it’s all done through questioning. So you gotta get yourself comfortable and you have the right to ask, then start asking questions. Now, there’s another episode where we’re gonna get into this whole thing about engagement and the questions to ask and everything else, but that’s an episode we’ll deal with later on. In the meantime Matthew, we’ve covered the ten rights. We’ve covered the three extra rights, like yourself as you are, um the right to fail, and now, the right to ask. What would you like to do next?
Matthew: Uh well, you know, what I’d love to do is really understand and go in and, and put a, put a bow on all the rights and, and finish up this section.
Bob: Ok, so let’s, let’s, let’s, uh, call this section, the next section could be…I’d like to do a little bit on the I.R. Theory.
Matthew: Yeah?
Bob: I.R.- Our identity versus our role.
Matthew: Yes.
Bob: And how it weighs out. So, then, I’ll do another episode wrapping up everything in attitude towards you. And I can do an episode as well on attitude towards your organization, and attitude towards your buyers that follow. This way, we’re building the Velocity Selling as we’re going- in a step by step process. Because it is a systematic approach and we have to master each step along the way to succeed at it. So, thank you again for your time and I look forward to speaking to you again next week.
Matthew: Thanks very much Bob. Talk to you later, bye bye.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 11 – The Right To Fail

In episode 11 of Velocity Selling TV, CEO of Velocity Selling, Matthew Whyatt and founder Bob Urichuck discuss the right to fail and how sales persons should learn from their failure.

Matthew: clears throat Ok, Right to Like yourself as you are. Alright, here we go.
Hi, Welcome to Velocity Selling TV. My name’s Matthew Whyatt on the Gold Coast in Australia we’ve got the founder of Velocity Selling up in Ottawa, Canada, uh Bob Urichuck. G’Day Bob.
Bob: How are you Matthew? Good to see you again.
Matthew: I’m really well. Good to see you too. Now, last time we spoke about, uh, right number three, which is your right to like yourself and this week let’s talk about something that’s really important to most sales people that they don’t really get, which is your right to fail. So Bob, can we talk about that a bit?
Bob: Most certainly. We do have the right to fail and it’s interesting because the last section we also talked about the right to like yourself as you are. Is it possible you don’t like yourself as you are because you’ve beaten yourself up and critised yourself for failing?
Matthew: Absolutely, you know we see it with sales people all the time who uh, who just can’t bring themselves to make that next phone call because they, they don’t, they think that the customer’s rejecting their, them, other than their customer.
Bob: Uh and yeah, and we’ll get over the rejection thing at, on another episode at another time. But the key thing here is you have the right to fail. Now, I can tell you that um, I was raised, I did have a childhood. I was raised in a small family business, I’d come back from school, I’d help my parents, then they had a European bakery and so I helped a lot in the bakery, in the business, and delivered bread, but anyways, uh I’m a teenager, I lost probably six years there with a bad case of acne which is another story cause I believed I was ugly, so I had no confidence, and at eighteen I started living my life from the inside out, turned that around and that’s what made a difference, but I was about age twenty, and I realized I had some catching up to do. Now, here’s what happens, I could do like most people do and think about catching up, and what happens when we think about doing something?
Matthew: Well, when you think about it, you’re not actually taking action are you?
Bob: No. Because what happens, fear sets in. With fear, comes procrastination. With procrastination, comes paralysis, and guess what? We don’t do a darn thing. So, what’s the opposite of thinking about it?
Matthew: Well, it’s doing something- it’s taking action isn’t it?
Bob: It’s like Nike says ‘Just Do It’, and if you just do it, what’s the worst thing that can happen?
Matthew: Well you could fail.
Bob: Yeah, and if ya fail? What’s the outcome of failure?
Matthew: Usually it’s a lesson learned right?
Bob: That’s what you wanna look for.
Matthew: Yeah.
Bob: What do most people do? The minute they fail, they beat the crap outta themselves, they lower their self-esteem, they lower their self- conf… they lower their courage to the point where they won’t even put up their hand and ask a question in a comfortable environment. I mean, p.., let’s face it, your kid’s Matthew have more courage, ya know the two, your two sons have more courage probably than all the audience put together right now that’s listening to this video. Would you agree?
Matthew: Absolutely. There’s uh, there’s nothing stopping those boys.
Bob: What’s the difference between them and where we are today? It’s all the rejection we faced, all the criticism, the self, the self critisim and because we failed. So here’s the thing, ya know, I learned at a young age, in my twenties, that fail was an acronym
F. A. I. L- First Attempt In Learning. It’s what it stands for, F.A.I.L, first attempt in learning. So you gotta fail often to succeed once. You’ve heard that said?
Matthew: Sure have.
Bob: Ya know, exactly, and and ya know, you take a look at how many times did Walt Disney go bankrupt before Disney World became a success? Or how many times did Thomas Edison fal at the light bulb? Or Henry Ford in the creation of the car? Or the Wright Brother’s with the airplane. They failed. But one of the things they did was they learned from those failures and they kept moving forward, so they were learning forward, or failing forward. But you see this is the big question. What’s success all about? Success revolves persistence and failure. In other words, you have to be a persistent failure to succeed. You’ve gotta get out there and try things, learn from ‘em, and move on. So, one of the things, when I realize this, rather than criticising myself and beating myself up, I could build myself up. So, instead of recognizing I failed, I recognize I fail but the first thing I do is I look for the lesson learned. What did I learn from this? The minute I get a lesson learned, I tap myself on the back, and I say, ‘Good job, Bob at least you got the courage to try something you never did before.’ Now I’m building my self-esteem, I’m building my self-confidence, I’m building myself from the inside out cause I can garuntee one thing, nobody on the outside is gonna build you from the inside out. Do you agree?
Matthew: I absolutely agree Bob. That’s fantastic.
Bob: Only you will do that. Chuckling.
Matthew: Chuckling.
Bob: So here’s the key thing that I want everybody to do is ‘Give yourself permission to fail’. When you fail, don’t beat yourself up, don’t criticise yourself, look for the lesson learned. The minute you got a lesson learned, congratulate yourself for having the courage for doing it. I could tell you the results of me doing that. I have failed soooo much in my life, Matthew, that the world is now stacked up in my favour for success.
Matthew: Chuckling. That’s a great way of putting Bob.
Bob: Well, you gotta fail often to succeed once, and I’ve had my share, and I’ve learned from ‘em, and I want you and everybody listening to this, is give yourself the right to fail. Because that is a belief in yourself and that’s believing in yourself from the inside out and that’s the kinda foundation we need you to build from- Is you believing in you. Because you are the most important person in the world, and people buy you first. If you don’t believe in you, will anybody be buying from you?
Matthew: I very much doubt it.
Bob: You got it.
Matthew: Fair enough.
Bob: It goes the same for your product and your services: believing em. But that’s another episode for another time. So we’ve talked about the right to like yourself as you are, the Bafar system and the right to fail and if I think, if I recall, I owe you one more, The Right to Ask. Let’s do that one on the next episode. In the meantime, give yourself permission to fail.
Matthew: Thanks Bob. Talk to you next week.
Bob: Thank you.

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Velocity Selling Podcast –Episode 10 – The Right To Like Yourself As You Are

In episode 10 of Velocity Selling TV, Right to Like Yourself as You Are, Velocity Selling Founder, Bob Urichuck and Velocity Selling CEO, Matthew Whyatt discuss the importance of your right to like yourself as you are and how that will in turn affect you as an individual and a sales person.

Velocity Selling TV Episode 10- The Right to Like Yourself As You Are
Matthew: Well, hi, it’s Matthew here from the Gold Coast, with Velocity Selling TV, and we’ve got the founder of Velocity Selling TV, Bob Urichuck, up in Ottawa Canada. Welcome Bob.
Bob: Well thank you Matthew, good to see you again.
Matthew: Good to see you too. Now, last time we spoke about your ten rights. You gave us an overview of all of those. Now, actually what I did was I went ahead and looked at a uh, a few things on youtube and I found quite an extended review of your ten rights on youtube. What I’ll do is when we post this up, I’ll put the links down below from the youtube channel. Ah, so if a person wants to go a bit deeper on this, you know, we’re giving an overview, and today what I thought I was gonna ask you to do, could you go a bit deeper on right number three? Uh, the right to like yourself as you are?
Bob: Yeah, ok. Let’s focus on that. Umm, ya know, part of it is- uh, let me start here- I believe that we all came into this world as equal human beings, regardless of race, religion, color, nationality, sex, title, or role. That’s a belief I have. I believe we’re all miracles, we’re here for a reason. Alright?
Matthew: Yeah, ok. Fantastic.
Bob: We came in as perfect ‘10’s’. We then get exposed to the outside world, your family to uh, education, to religion, to politics, to friends, and we take those outside influences and we internalize them and we become that person. Now, this is where we’re all carrying around some baggage of the past that’s holding us back from preforming the way we could be preforming. So a big part of it now is, we are over eighteen years of age or most people looking at this video are over eighteen, should be able to distinguish the difference between fact and fiction. What is real about you? And what is not real about you? Cause you see, what we’re talking about here is what I call the BAFAR system. Bafar is, your beliefs determine your attitudes. Your attitudes determine how you feel, how you feel determines the action you take, the action you take determines the results you get in life. Get that?
Matthew: Yeah, I sure do.
Bob: Beliefs, Attitudes, feelings, actions, results. You’re not getting results cause you’re not taking action. You’re not taking action cause you’re not feeling well. You’re not feeling well cause you, you’re attitude’s off, and what’s the belief that’s causing it? Well, you believe it’s raining outside, and rainy days you should be home, ya know, sleeping. Scoffs
Matthew: Chuckles
Bob: You know what I mean? But here’s the thing about rainy days. Let’s take that as an example. What do you believe about rainy days Matthew? Now, not you personally, let’s generalize. What does the world believe about rainy days?
Matthew: Most people do want to stay in bed and, and uh, and uh, cuddle up with a, uh, good book and just basically do nothing.
Bob: Ok so, a belief would be, ‘Rainy days are…’
Matthew: ‘Not very good’.
Bob: Exactly. There, there, some people say negative, some people say downers, ya know what I mean? The general thing, it’s like that. So if you’ve got that belief that it’s a negative day, a, uh, a gloomy day, what’s your attitude like on a gloomy day?
Matthew: Pretty poor.
Bob: Yeah, it’s poor, it’s tired, it’s lazy. Ok, so how does that make you feel?
Matthew: Unmotivated, you don’t wanna do anything. You just go, you know what, not doing anything today.
Bob: Yeah, stay in bed.
Matthew: Yeah.
Bob: And what results do you get outta that?
Matthew: Chuckles. None.
Bob: Ok, exactly. Now, I used to be like that, until one day um, I’m sitting at a cottage North of here and uh, it was raining. And I’m just sitting there watching the raindrops fall. And my wife says to me’ Bob, why don’t you pick up a book and read?’. And I said ‘That’s a good idea, but I think I’m gonna go for a walk in the rain first’. And I went for a fifteen minute walk. I came back, got onto my laptop and I started to write, well, part of these rights- my book- Discipline for Life. And I wrote, wrote. And as the rain stopped, I stopped typing. And then I went back after and I read what I wrote and went ‘Wow, where did this come from?’
Matthew: Yeah
Bob: I started to question my answers , question my answers, and question my answers, to get to the truth. So what I did was change my belief system. I believe that rainy days are my most inspirational days. Rain drops are drops from heaven. I’m only the messenger. I’m just , ya know, putting the messages out there that I get. And that’s my justification. So, to test it what I did is I said, ok, the next time it rains I’m gonna try the same thing, see what happens. In 2006, I set a goal for myself, and every time it rains I’ll write an article and have it published in a magazine somewhere in the world. That year, I believe I got published 65 times. Guess how many times it rained wherever I was in the world?
Matthew: Well, I’m gonna guess about 65 times.
Bob: You got it. So you change your beliefs, your changing your beliefs changes your attitude, your attitude determines, changes your feelings, which in turn changes the actions and the results you get. So this is where we have to go down and take a look at what we believe. Why do you think people discount? Because they don’t believe in the value of their product.
Bob: And that’s not selling. So when we take a look at that belief, and I remember working with an organization once where we looked at the belief of the team. Top twenty sales people in multi-million dollar sales scenarios and the top twenty, the key thing here was getting their beliefs that products they were selling were actually of the value and how do we not discount? So we ended up changing their beliefs by taking them on a planned tour, where they saw hands on, every detail of everything to the point where they said, ‘You know what? These products are worth more’. And they changed their whole belief about it and now, since then, the company has stopped discounting all over the world. So again, it’s about your beliefs. So here’s the key thing: a lot of us are influenced by the outside world. Let me ask you a question Matthew. Is success out there?
Matthew: No, it’s all internal, isn’t it?
Bob: It’s all in here. And that’s where it starts and that’s where the BAFAR system comes into place. You gotta get to know the most important person in the world- their strengths, their weaknesses, their beliefs. You gotta take someone’s beliefs and turn ‘em into positive beliefs, encouraging beliefs. Beliefs that will get you where you wanna go. And this is what the BAFAR system is all about. But it has to start with you. So, make a decision. Do you wanna continue living your life on the outside in? Or do you wanna lead your life from the inside out? Make a decision. Because it’s you, the decision maker, that will make that decision work. I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 9 – Your Rights as a Salesperson – Overview

CEO of Velocity Selling Matthew Whyatt and founder Bob Urichuck take this episode to cover the basic rights we have as salespersons and the framework for the upcoming weeks.

Matt: Hi, welcome to Velocity Selling TV, my name is Matthew Whyatt. I’m in the gold coast Australia and we’ve got the founder of Velocity Selling up in Ottawa Canada. Welcome Bob
Bob: yea, hi Matthew good to see you again.
Matthew: So last time we spoke about how buyers like to be treated and overall we’ve been talking about how attitude is a foundation of everybody’s success. We also specifically spoke about at the end of the last episode knowing your rights. Do you want to talk a bit about that today?
Bob: You see a big part of our attitude are our rights as human beings. There are ten rights really. I identified these rights first in the book, Discipline for Life, and in Velocity Selling we really focus on three of them. Today I’m going to share with you the ten rights and focus in on three of them in the following episodes. Let me know what you think Matthew as we go, Do we have the right to our desires, dreams and expectations?
Matthew: Of course, that’s how we grow as humans.
Bob: Let’s remember that, that is number one. We have the right to our dreams, desires and expectations. That right there is the foundation to motivation. That’s the reason why we’re here. That’s number one.
Number two, Do you have the right to have what you want?
Matthew: I do, absolutely.
Bob: Exactly, you can have whatever you want but there’s a price you’re going to have to pay but you have that right. Do you have the right to like yourself as you are?
Matthew: Well many people don’t but I’m pretty sure we do yes.
Bob: You got it, and that’s one we’re really going to focus in on. We’re going to dedicate one episode to knowing that you have the right to like yourself as you are and you have to accept this as a very important part. We are going to save that for another time though.
So, Number four, Do you have the right to change?
Matthew: Absolutely.
Bob: Do you know what change stands for? C-H-A-N-G-E
Can, Help, Accept, New, Growth, Experiences
Now whats that all about? The more we push change onto people the more they resist. But if we involve them in the change and give them that impression then that can help them accept new growth experiences. You’ve got to go with the flow and change. You also have to grow with the change. That’s why we have that right. So keep that in mind, get involved in the change, don’t sit back and criticize it, its part of your rights.
The other right we have is the right to fail. Do we have that right Matthew?
Matthew: Yes we do and I’ve seen it myself a few times.
Bob: Exactly, Let’s face it, that’s how we learn and this is another very important part for the sales component of Velocity Selling so our next episode will focus on that as well. Having the right to fail.
Do you also have the right to be imperfect Matthew?
Matthew: Very much so.
Bob: We cannot reach perfection. We all have strengths, we all have weaknesses. The more we can team up and take advantage of each other’s strengths and weaknesses the more we will benefit. Just learn to accept yourself as you are. Nobody is perfect.
Then, we also have the right to choose. Would you agree that we have the right to choose?
Matthew: I do have the right to choose, yea.
Bob: Ok what are some of the choices? You have the choice of your attitude the moment you wake up in the morning, don’t you agree.
Matthew: Absolutely, people need to make a conscience decision daily, I strive to make a conscience decision about my attitude.
Bob: You also have to be thankful at the same time. Wake up with an attitude of gratitude. There are so many options we can choose: self-employment. We can choose employment. We could choose a relationship, We can choose our destination. We can choose our goals and it is one of the greatest gifts that we have. Keep that one in mind and one of the biggest things is- make choices. It is all about making a decision, that’s a key point.
You also have the right to ask, do you not?
Matthew: Sure do. Especially, in sales.
Bob: Exactly. This is probably the most important component of Velocity Selling. The right to ask will be the main focus for our third episode in this series.
You also have the right to decide how you use your time and your energy.
Matthew: Absolutely, everybody is in charge of their own day.
Bob: Our Ninth right is being able to decide how we use our time and our energy. We can invest it with the hope of a good return or we could waste it spending our time watching tv or hanging around negative people. We should create a positive environment and we can contribute towards things that can actually make a difference. Each day is a step closer to living a life of your dreams if you invest your time wisely.
Matthew: That’s really Great Bob. I like how you framed all of those to work beautifully in a sales environment. If a person has the right to fail then they can just make that extra phone call and it really doesn’t matter. If the person has the right to change then you can understand that failure and move through it to improve.
Bob: Of course, the tenth and final right is the right to lunch. Of course, there is no free lunch.
Matthew: On my current diet I don’t know if I have the right to lunch, although I do have the right to choose.
Bob: You have the right to lunch when you pay for it, as I said, there is no free lunch. Everything comes in direct proportion to the energy and the effort you put out to make things a reality.
Let’s just do a quick review of the ten rights.
You have the right to your dreams, desires and expectations
You have the right to have what you want.
You have the right to like yourself as you are.
The right to change, the right to fail, the right to be imperfect, the right to choose, the right to ask, the right on how you decide to use your time and your energy.
And of course the right to lunch when you pay for, Cause there is no free lunch.
In our next three episodes, I’m going to get in deep on Right number three, the right to like yourself as you are. Number five, the right to fail and number eight, the right to ask. These are three key episodes to stay tuned for.


Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 8 – How Do you Treat your Customers

CEO of Velocity Selling Matthew Whyatt and founder Bob Urichuck take this episode to really discover the ways that the buyer wants to be treated during a sale and what it takes for a salesperson to understand and react to the buyers needs.

Matthew: Welcome to Velocity Selling TV. My name’s Matthew Whyatt from the Gold Coast in Australia, and we’ve got Bob Urichuck up in Ottawa, Canada. Welcome, Bob.

Bob: Thank you, Matthew.

Matthew: Hey Bob, today I want to talk about how buyers like to be treated. So Bob, how do buyers like to be treated?

Bob: Well, that’s a good question, Matthew. And, what I’d like to do is, is help you discover the answer for yourself. Obviously.

Matthew: Sure.

Bob: But here’s the thing. Here’s the way I’d like it to work. I want you to take your sales hat off and put on your buyer hat. You’re no longer a salesperson; you are a buyer. Now as a buyer, you’re going in to make a large purchase, small purchase, it doesn’t matter what. How do you, as a buyer, like to be treated?

Matthew: Well, I guess, let’s, let’s, um, mentally walk through the process. Of course I want to be welcomed. I want to feel comfortable. I want to be listened to. And, and, and generally informed about the options that are available.

Bob: Ok, that’s good. You’ve come up with four words. I want you to take a look at these four words and tell me is it A, B, C or D? In other words, is it an attitude; is it a behaviour, a competency or a discipline? Because that’s what Velocity Selling is all about. So let’s take a look at your first word. Uh, welcome, is that an attitude, behaviour or a competency? Now, the person who’s welcoming you is the salesperson.

Matthew: Sure.

Bob: That’s what we’re talking about here, is it an attitude, behaviour, uh, competency or discipline?

Matthew: Well, it would be something that’s taught, so I would think it would be a competency.

Bob: Ok. It could also be a discipline if you do it every time somebody comes in.

Matthew: Yeah, of course, that makes sense.

Bob: And, Now, now, don’t forget, a discipline is a habit. And it could be a bad habit.

Matthew: Yes.
Bob: In other words, when you walk into a retail store, they have this discipline, um, “How are you today?” and I say, “terrible,” –

Matthew: -laughing-

Bob: —And of course, then they say, “That’s great!” because they don’t listen—

Matthew: ¬-laughing again-

Bob: —Or, uh, they’ll say to you questions like, um, um, “How can I help you?” or “Can I help you?” And you say, “No, I’m just looking,” You know. So these sort of things are inappropriate behaviours, but again, we learn it’s a competency, ok. So welcomed. The next one was, uh sorry, um, what was your second one? Uh, I know you had informed, listened to…

Matthew: Uh, welcomed, uh, and, um, I guess comfortable. It would be, uh, something, you know, I want to—

Bob: That’s right.

Matthew: —I want to feel comfortable in that place.

Bob: So attitude, behaviour, competency, discipline?

Matthew: To make somebody feel comfortable?

Bob: Yeah.

Matthew: Well, it’s probably an attitude.

Bob: Ok, good. Listened to. Attitude, behaviour, competency, discipline?

Matthew: Definitely a competency, as far as I’m concerned.

Bob: Ok, great. And the last one, uh, to um…

Matthew: To be informed.

Bob: To be informed, yeah.

Matthew: Yeah.

Bob: Yeah.

Matthew: Um, Well that’s, that’s probably a competency as well, because they know, understand their product knowledge.

Bob: Let’s take a look at listening, for example. Uh, a lot of people, uh, I think would agree with you on most of these. For example, to be an effective listener, that’s a competency. Would you agree?

Matthew: Sure.

Bob: You’ve heard people say, “You’re a competent listener,”

Matthew: Absolutely.

Bob: And, and that’s really something. But here’s the thing. Before you can become a competent listener, what must you do?

Matthew: Um, I guess have a good, have a good attitude so you’re going to learn those competencies.

Bob: Well, let’s go before that. Before you can become good at something, you have to practice being good at it, do you not?

Matthew: Sure. Which is about discipline.

Bob: You, well, discipline and behaviour. Because discipline is a behaviour in itself. So here’s the thing is, if we’re a competent listener, that means I became a competent listener by practicing listening skills, would you agree?

Matthew: Yeah, sure.

Bob: Now, before I could even practice listening skills, what must I have?

Matthew: Uh, you have to have the uh, the, the behaviours.

Bob: Well, it’s really the behaviours are the practicing, the listening, the habits—

Matthew: Right.

Bob: —But what we have to do is before we could even practice listening, we have to have the desire to want to listen. Would you agree?

Matthew: Yeah. Got it. Understand. Yeah.

Bob: Now desire comes from what?

Matthew: Well desire comes from attitude.

Bob: Exactly! So you see, every word that you told me here: from welcome to comfortable, to being listened to, to being informed, sure it could be a competency, but the competency, you become competent in something by practicing it a lot. That’s the behaviour.

Matthew: Got it.

Bob: The behaviour are the things we do on a daily basis. It could be whether we’re disciplined or we’re not disciplined. Get the idea?

Matthew: Sure.

Bob: So that’s behaviour. But before we could practice anything, we first have to have the desire. The desire comes from our attitude.

Matthew: Right.

Bob: Get the idea?

Matthew: Yes.

Bob: So, I get, it takes us right back to the foundation of success. It’s all about attitude. And attitude is one hundred percent under your control.

Matthew: That’s great. Look, I really love these sessions, Bob, because actually you, you’re, you’re walking me through the process as well, not just the, uh, the people out there, so I don’t, it certainly, as people can figure out, this, these are certainly not scripted, as, uh, Bob’s walking me through these, uh, very strongly.

Bob: You know, I, I like that Matthew, because I’d rather, I’d rather talk with people, and if you could get other, if other people, if, uh, I mean if any of our listeners want to come on and interview me, I’d be open to that.

Matthew: Ok, well, you know what, in the at, in the comments below, uh, what we could do is people could go ahead and, and ask questions and we might be able to even start answering questions for people and things like that.

Bob: Sure, hey! That’s a great idea.

Matthew: Cool.

Bob: So what, yeah, and then, um, and that concludes this episode, but what do we, what would you like to do next?

Matthew: Uh, well the next episode, actually, what I would like to talk about is, you know, we’ve, we’ve talked about attitude, as a, as an overall thing. We’ve talked about all these, um, ju—broad ideas. How does a salesperson put that into action? What are their, um, what are the action steps they can do?

Bob: Ok, well, uh, I have something, and it comes out of Discipline for Life which I also share in Velocity Selling, are what I call your ten rights.

Matthew: Ok, great.

Bob: These ten rights will help you develop the right attitude. Now with the right attitude, you do things differently. And I’ll give an example: Let me just ask you, Matthew, oh no. I don’t even want to get to it. Let’s save it for the next episode.

Matthew: -laughing- Perfect. All right, well, we’ll talk about those, uh, those ten rights in the next episode. Thanks very much today, Bob, and I’m really enjoying your, uh, your coaching.

Bob: Good, and I look forward to seeing you next week.

Matthew: Fantastic. Off and out.

Bob: Bye.
