Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 11 – The Right To Fail

In episode 11 of Velocity Selling TV, CEO of Velocity Selling, Matthew Whyatt and founder Bob Urichuck discuss the right to fail and how sales persons should learn from their failure.

Matthew: clears throat Ok, Right to Like yourself as you are. Alright, here we go.
Hi, Welcome to Velocity Selling TV. My name’s Matthew Whyatt on the Gold Coast in Australia we’ve got the founder of Velocity Selling up in Ottawa, Canada, uh Bob Urichuck. G’Day Bob.
Bob: How are you Matthew? Good to see you again.
Matthew: I’m really well. Good to see you too. Now, last time we spoke about, uh, right number three, which is your right to like yourself and this week let’s talk about something that’s really important to most sales people that they don’t really get, which is your right to fail. So Bob, can we talk about that a bit?
Bob: Most certainly. We do have the right to fail and it’s interesting because the last section we also talked about the right to like yourself as you are. Is it possible you don’t like yourself as you are because you’ve beaten yourself up and critised yourself for failing?
Matthew: Absolutely, you know we see it with sales people all the time who uh, who just can’t bring themselves to make that next phone call because they, they don’t, they think that the customer’s rejecting their, them, other than their customer.
Bob: Uh and yeah, and we’ll get over the rejection thing at, on another episode at another time. But the key thing here is you have the right to fail. Now, I can tell you that um, I was raised, I did have a childhood. I was raised in a small family business, I’d come back from school, I’d help my parents, then they had a European bakery and so I helped a lot in the bakery, in the business, and delivered bread, but anyways, uh I’m a teenager, I lost probably six years there with a bad case of acne which is another story cause I believed I was ugly, so I had no confidence, and at eighteen I started living my life from the inside out, turned that around and that’s what made a difference, but I was about age twenty, and I realized I had some catching up to do. Now, here’s what happens, I could do like most people do and think about catching up, and what happens when we think about doing something?
Matthew: Well, when you think about it, you’re not actually taking action are you?
Bob: No. Because what happens, fear sets in. With fear, comes procrastination. With procrastination, comes paralysis, and guess what? We don’t do a darn thing. So, what’s the opposite of thinking about it?
Matthew: Well, it’s doing something- it’s taking action isn’t it?
Bob: It’s like Nike says ‘Just Do It’, and if you just do it, what’s the worst thing that can happen?
Matthew: Well you could fail.
Bob: Yeah, and if ya fail? What’s the outcome of failure?
Matthew: Usually it’s a lesson learned right?
Bob: That’s what you wanna look for.
Matthew: Yeah.
Bob: What do most people do? The minute they fail, they beat the crap outta themselves, they lower their self-esteem, they lower their self- conf… they lower their courage to the point where they won’t even put up their hand and ask a question in a comfortable environment. I mean, p.., let’s face it, your kid’s Matthew have more courage, ya know the two, your two sons have more courage probably than all the audience put together right now that’s listening to this video. Would you agree?
Matthew: Absolutely. There’s uh, there’s nothing stopping those boys.
Bob: What’s the difference between them and where we are today? It’s all the rejection we faced, all the criticism, the self, the self critisim and because we failed. So here’s the thing, ya know, I learned at a young age, in my twenties, that fail was an acronym
F. A. I. L- First Attempt In Learning. It’s what it stands for, F.A.I.L, first attempt in learning. So you gotta fail often to succeed once. You’ve heard that said?
Matthew: Sure have.
Bob: Ya know, exactly, and and ya know, you take a look at how many times did Walt Disney go bankrupt before Disney World became a success? Or how many times did Thomas Edison fal at the light bulb? Or Henry Ford in the creation of the car? Or the Wright Brother’s with the airplane. They failed. But one of the things they did was they learned from those failures and they kept moving forward, so they were learning forward, or failing forward. But you see this is the big question. What’s success all about? Success revolves persistence and failure. In other words, you have to be a persistent failure to succeed. You’ve gotta get out there and try things, learn from ‘em, and move on. So, one of the things, when I realize this, rather than criticising myself and beating myself up, I could build myself up. So, instead of recognizing I failed, I recognize I fail but the first thing I do is I look for the lesson learned. What did I learn from this? The minute I get a lesson learned, I tap myself on the back, and I say, ‘Good job, Bob at least you got the courage to try something you never did before.’ Now I’m building my self-esteem, I’m building my self-confidence, I’m building myself from the inside out cause I can garuntee one thing, nobody on the outside is gonna build you from the inside out. Do you agree?
Matthew: I absolutely agree Bob. That’s fantastic.
Bob: Only you will do that. Chuckling.
Matthew: Chuckling.
Bob: So here’s the key thing that I want everybody to do is ‘Give yourself permission to fail’. When you fail, don’t beat yourself up, don’t criticise yourself, look for the lesson learned. The minute you got a lesson learned, congratulate yourself for having the courage for doing it. I could tell you the results of me doing that. I have failed soooo much in my life, Matthew, that the world is now stacked up in my favour for success.
Matthew: Chuckling. That’s a great way of putting Bob.
Bob: Well, you gotta fail often to succeed once, and I’ve had my share, and I’ve learned from ‘em, and I want you and everybody listening to this, is give yourself the right to fail. Because that is a belief in yourself and that’s believing in yourself from the inside out and that’s the kinda foundation we need you to build from- Is you believing in you. Because you are the most important person in the world, and people buy you first. If you don’t believe in you, will anybody be buying from you?
Matthew: I very much doubt it.
Bob: You got it.
Matthew: Fair enough.
Bob: It goes the same for your product and your services: believing em. But that’s another episode for another time. So we’ve talked about the right to like yourself as you are, the Bafar system and the right to fail and if I think, if I recall, I owe you one more, The Right to Ask. Let’s do that one on the next episode. In the meantime, give yourself permission to fail.
Matthew: Thanks Bob. Talk to you next week.
Bob: Thank you.

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Bob Urichuck

Bob Urichuck is an internationally sought after speaker, trainer—founder of the “Buyer Focused” Velocity Selling System—and best-selling author in six languages. His latest books, Velocity Selling: How to Attract, Engage and Empower Buyers to Buy, and Motivate Your Team in 30 Days are new in 2014.

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