Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 6 – Discipline – The Essential 2nd Element Of Your Success

Bob explains how to raise the levels of effectiveness even further by recognizing another of the characteristics of success. He explains that Velocity Selling TV is a company that is based on four characteristics of success that he calls: A, B, C and D, which all stand for Attitude, Behaviour, Competency and Discipline.

Matthew: Welcome back to Velocity Selling, ah, you’ve got your host, Matthew Whyatt from the beautiful Gold Coast of Australia, and we’ve got the founder uh of Velocity Selling up in Ottawa, Canada, Bob Urichuck. Welcome, Bob.

Bob: Well thank you, Matthew. And uh, beautiful day today, I would say.

Matthew: -laughing- Ha ha, So, Hey look Bob, last, uh, last week we spoke about the foundation of success and, uh, and you were alluding to how a person might, uh, raise their effectiveness by two hundred percent. And the first thing we spoke about was attitude, which equals a hundred. So, Bob, without any further ado; let’s just get strai-straight into this episode. What’s the next step? How do we raise it up to that next level of uh, of, of effectiveness?

Bob: Ok, first of all, there was a few things we talked about uh, non-traditional and self-discovery process. I took you through a self-discovery process by asking you questions of what made you successful. You gave me three words. Those three words, I asked you, is it A, B, C, or D based? Is it attitude, behaviour, competency or discipline based? Because that’s what Velocity Selling is all about: A, B, C, D. Attitude, behaviour, competencies and discipline. You answered attitude in all three of them. And you were absolutely correct. Attitude was the foundation to our success. And then we showed our listeners how attitude gives us one hundred percent performance. Now, the question I always ask is: Would you like to have two hundred percent performance? Personal and professional? Would you like to increase your performance by two hundred percent?

Matthew: Of course, absolutely I would.

Bob: Exactly! So there’s a second word, but you see, we can’t get on to that second word until we’ve got the right mindset. Until we got our attitude in the right place. You know what I mean? It’s all about belief. Now, if you believe in yourself and you believe you’re the most important person in the world; you know you have strengths, you know you have weaknesses; you’re going to focus on your strengths and you’re going to work on some of your weaknesses. So if you want to succeed in sales, well you’re going to want to learn as much as you can from the best people in the world, and learn those techniques so that you can be different than anyone else, and you can attract buyers versus chasing buyers.

Matthew: That makes sense.

Bob: Yeah, so, there is a second word that will give us that two hundred percent performance. Let, let me give you uh, a few stories that might help you. Many years ago when I traveled the world, um, speaking and training in different parts of Asia and the Middle East, I always told participants that anybody who attends my live seminars are entitled to free email coaching. Now—
Matthew: Oh, ok.

Bob: —I’m talking as many as ten thousand people at one event in Singapore in the indoor stadium. I offered that. Free coaching by email.

Matthew: Wow.

Bob: Now, how quickly would you like me to reply?

Matthew: Um, straight away.

Bob: Ok. Is, is that possible for me to do that right now in the middle of this interview?

Matthew: Probably not.

Bob: So let’s get realistic. What would be a reasonable business reply? Time?

Matthew: Uh, within ah- within two days.

Bob: Oh, two days!? That’s pretty poor in my mind.

Matthew: -laughing-

Bob: Come on. Let’s, what’s a good, uh a s-, a f-, a common, um, let’s just say business standard for, for business email?

Matthew: Well, uh, seeing as straight away was too, uh, too quick and two days was too slow, I’m going to go with one day?

Bob: How about twenty-four hours?

Matthew: Ok.

Bob: Because if you say one day, I’m going to say which day? Which country are you in? And you already know you’re seventeen hours ahead of me.

Matthew: Sure.

Bob: But here’s the thing. If I reply within twenty-four hours, is that satisfactory to you?

Matthew: Absolutely.

Bob: Ok. I guarantee you, not only will you get free email coaching, you’ll get a reply within twenty-four hours. For me to do that, now, I want you to think of this, I fly back from Singapore back to Ottawa, Canada. It takes me twenty-four hours to get home. I’m dead tired. I want to go to sleep. What must I do before I go to sleep?

Matthew: Well, you’ve got to check your emails, don’t you? Because you’ve made that commitment.

Bob: Excuse me. I, I listen well, Matthew, and you said check my emails?

Matthew: Yes.

Bob: Or, or reply to my emails. There’s a difference.

Matthew: -laughing- Yeah, reply to your emails.

Bob: Ok, so, I have to reply to my emails. Now here’s the key to it all. What I just did, I don’t know if you picked up on the word that, that would describe that, but here’s the key thing: any behaviour that gets recognized or rewarded gets repeated.

Matthew: Sure.

Bob: Though, I did what I said I’m going to do, that day, and my reward is a good night’s sleep. And I always have a good night’s sleep because I do everything in the day that I say I’m going to do it. That requires me to have what? What is that word? And it’s the title of one of my books.

Matthew: Discipline.

Bob: You got it. Discipline is the key. Discipline is a commitment to the most important person in the world. Discipline, basically, also when you turn, uh, letters, alphabetical letters to numeric value, translates to one hundred percent. Discipline, like attitude, is one hundred percent under your control. If you want two hundred percent performance, you need to take control of your attitude, be disciplined, and, do what you say you’re going to do. And when you do what you say you’re going to do, reward yourself accordingly.

Matthew: Perfect. Well, that’s uh—

Bob: Yeah.

Matthew: —That’s really great, Bob, you know, I understand that, that would have taken uh, quite a bit of discipline to uh, -laughing- to be able to go ahead and reply to those emails, uh, throughout those, uh, those years, especially with those huge audiences you spoke with.

Bob: Well, I don’t think I would be able to be, uh, a good keynote speaker or trainer or human being if I didn’t walk the talk, and I didn’t do what I said I was going to do. I’m a very disciplined person, and that’s why I wrote the book, Disciplined for Life: You are the Author of Your Future. And that’s a whole story in itself, but thank you for the interview, Matthew, um, and what I’ve thought about for our next episode, and, and if, if it’s ok with you is—a lot of people ask me, “Bob, what are the characteristics of successful salespeople?”

Matthew: Of course.

Bob: So let’s make that our next episode.

Matthew: Fantastic. Well, what a great place to, to stop, and we’ll, uh, we’ll come back next week. We’ll talk about that in Episode, um, seven. Thanks very much, Bob. See you later.

Bob Urichuck

Bob Urichuck is an internationally sought after speaker, trainer—founder of the “Buyer Focused” Velocity Selling System—and best-selling author in six languages. His latest books, Velocity Selling: How to Attract, Engage and Empower Buyers to Buy, and Motivate Your Team in 30 Days are new in 2014.

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