Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 26 – Applying your Skills and Behaviour

In today’s episode of Velocity Selling TV, Bob Urichuck and Matthew Whyatt enlighten listeners on what it takes to overcome any obstacles in the way of your goals and dreams.

Velocity Selling TV Episode 26- Applying Skills and Behaviour
Matthew: Well good morning everybody, Matthew here again with Velocity Selling episode twenty-six, and we’re talking about goals. We’re really getting into it. We’ve got, of course, the founder of the company up in Ottawa, Canada, Bob Urichcuk. Welcome Bob.
Bob: Yeah, hi Matthew. Good to see you again.
Matthew: Great to see you too. So last we spoke we probably went a little longer than normal but we really got into thinking about the things that could go wrong, but nor trying to be negative about it but be realistic about it and then we can say, ‘What can we do when this happens?’ So when I’m building a sales script for a sales team, I ask somebody to be the negative Nellie. So I get the Nellie to sit there and say, rather than being the positive person, ‘Yes I’m interested and I’m really excited about that and I purchase’ well then I need somebody else to say ‘no, I’m not interested, I don’t want to know about it’. And so we actually try to build and formulate really great questions, because that’s what Velocity’s about, it’s understanding the right questions, the most powerful questions to ask the right person at the right time to actually build a proper sales structure inside a business. So, last time we spoke about obstacles that go wrong, this week, Bob and I were just talking about bringing together the skills and those sort of things that would actually make this and facilitate your success, so Bob, over to you.
Bob: Alright, thank you Matthew. Yeah, the skills and behaviour all relate to the goal that you outlined earlier, cause don’t forget we’re still working on the goal chart here. And if you haven’t downloaded the goal chart, make sure you do, in one of the previous episodes. So the goal chart identifies a S.M.A.R.T goal, the outcomes, what we see, what we hear, and what we feel. And of course, then we looked at obstacles- have a prepared mind, potential roadblocks, and what’s your contingency plan. And you gave a great story last week Matthew, on the Olympian from the states, the swimmer…
Matthew: Michael Phelps, yeah.
Bob: Michael Phelps. That was a fantastic story so congratulations on that. Now, what we need to look at next is what skills and behaviour are required on your part to become whatever that goal is. So I take a look at it, I had a goal to write a book. Well, what skills and behaviour do I need? Well, obviously, there’s research, there’s writing, there’s communication, you know, there’s going to be an editor, there’s going to be graphics, there’s going to be different things. And of course from a behaviour point of view is, well, I’m going to have to get up earlier, ‘cause that’s when I’m going to do it, that’s when I’m best, you know what I mean? So I would do it in my prime time, things along these lines. I organise myself in a timeline with the behaviours, the things I needed to do, when they needed to be done because behaviour in itself is a form of discipline- you know discipline we often say is a commitment to the most important person in the world, means doing what you have to do, even when you don’t want to do it. But the problem is, a lot of us have ineffective habits and those habits become, you know, bad.
Matthew: Yeah.
Bob: So what we need to do is change those habits to effective habits and these are, this is the time to identify the skills and behaviour you require to meet those goals because if you’re not going to have those skills or if you’re not going to demonstrate those behaviours, how realistic is it going to be for you to reach your goals.
Matthew: So how do you go about, so you’ve gone ahead and said ‘well I need these skills and behaviours so when I’m talking with customers we ask the question, ‘Are you able to or do you currently have the skills and behaviours?’ Or what, and then if you don’t, are you able to learn them? And if we can identify what they are, then we can check that box and then how do you then make that part of your daily discipline to make sure that actually comes in and you are able to acquire those skills.
Bob: That’s right, but again, it’s getting the participants engaged in the conversation so they write out what their daily behaviours are going to be and what skills they require. Because if you ask someone if they have the skills or not, they’re going to just say yes, right off the bat.
Matthew: Ok.
Bob: So what we do is we learn to ask a question more from a point of view of ‘Ok, you want to reach this goal, what skills and behaviour do you feel you need to be able to accomplish it?’ and quite often a sales managers, that’s a good question to ask of your staff. You want them to reach a particular goal, to replace you in the next year or two, well what skills do you feel they’re going to need to do your job? What training can you put them on? What kind of coaching can you give them? You know what I mean? This sort of thing so that they’re prepared to move to the next step. It’s like, you know, we’re in the sales business, we want to improve the bottom line. Well, if we’re going to improve the bottom line, we need to engage a group of people to brainstorm with us to come up with those skills and behaviour that they need to make it happen.
Matthew: Fantastic. Well look Bob, and of course the people who are listening in and who are individuals, can take that on board. Think about what they actually want to do. You know, if you want to earn a million dollars, you want to actually achieve this goal, what are the skills and behaviours that you need and then break that down on a day to day basis to either acquire those skills, if you’ve already got them, great, check. But then what are the behaviours to put them in place because skills without application, well that’s just theory isn’t it?
Bob: It’s, how do you say, ‘To know and not to do, is not to know’, you know?
Matthew: Well, on a bit of Confucius I think we’ll leave it at that or is that Sun Tzu? I’m not sure.
Bob: That’s Confucius I think.
Matthew: Alright, thanks Bob. See you next week.
Bob: Bye-bye.

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Episode 25 – Overcoming Obstacles To Achieve Your Goals

Bob Urichuck and Matthew Whyatt take a look at how you can use the SMART system to overcome any obstacle. When you can prepare your mind for any obstacles that may lie ahead as you start reaching for your goals, you can know how to handle them.

Velocity Selling TV Episode 25: Overcoming Obstacles to Achieve Your Goals
Matthew: Well welcome back to Velocity Selling TV. Matthew Whyatt’s your host and we’ve got Bob Urichuck in Canada. Welcome Bob.
Bob: Hi Matthew, great to see you again.
Matthew: Great to see you too. Now this is episode twenty-five. We’ve been speaking all year about attitude, taking you through the process to make sure you’re going to be as successful as you possibly can be. Now, last week we spoke about S.M.A.R.T goals. You know, a lot of people talk about goals, a lot of people you know, it’s a good idea, ‘The Secret’s’ certainly popularised the idea of thinking positively and going after what you want. Bob, why do you think goals are so important?
Bob: Oh, come on. It’s the foundation to motivation really. Imagine if you didn’t have a dream. Now here’s the way I like to put it though- you know, organisations today, we have, what do you call ‘em , performance reviews and that we set objectives, work objectives for the next year, sales people have targets. And what I find is organisations have been great at teaching us about how to reach corporate goals but they never taught us personal goals. And what you gotta understand is, you can’t, if I’m going to be a success in my job, I have to be a success within myself first. In other words, so what we do is we get people to set personal goals because it’s the personal goals that are the motivators, it’s the bottom line to our dreams. It’s what, it’s why we’re here. So what we need to do is, as we look at all of our dreams and we set them as S.M.A.R.T goals, is we look at the whole thing because you see, that goal is the stepping stone to helping you get where you want to go in the bigger picture. I often like to say, ask people a question, ‘Why do you go to work?’ Matthew, what answer do you think I get all over the world? ‘Why do I go to work?’
Matthew: Well, all over the world, actually I have even asked this question, and the answer is always money.
Bob: Exactly. But it’s not about the money. What we need to do is apply the rule of three plus, which we’ll get into in a later episode, but questioning techniques to help people discover themselves, the truth. Because you see work is nothing but a stepping stone to helping you get where you want to go. So it all starts with personal motivation. When you know why you’re going to work, and how it’s helping you, well, then you’re going to get more motivated about it.
Matthew: That’s really cool. What I’ve actually, I just wanted to get into something here and some people, they do start out really enthusiastically-they really want to get into it. But they find themselves coming up against obstacles. So how do you actually overcome obstacles?
Bob: Well, that’s a good question Matthew because last week we started to address the goal chart, remember, we set a S.M.A.R.T goal and then you know, it had to be specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic, tied to a time table, and had to have a specific date- not next year, next month but a specific date. And then there was three things that we asked you to put out in clarity and those three things is: What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? And as long as you could put yourself at that timeframe, let it be December 2017, you could see it. You could identify it and everything else. That’s the next step, but once we’ve got that down, now we’ve gotta get realistic. You know yourself, that you can’t go from one mountain top to another mountain top just like that, there’s a valley in between. And that valley is where a lot of people fall apart and quit. Things aren’t going the way they want as they planned or as they set out their goals and so they start to fall apart. What we have to understand is, you know it’s the law of opposites: for every success, there’s a failure. For every failure, there’s a success. You know what I mean? It’s these sort of things if for day, there’s night, you know we could get into that. What I see here from obstacles point of view, having a prepared mind. So, for the next week, what I’d like people to do is write out some of the possible roadblocks that could come up. Because you know yourself, just before success, there’s always gonna be something that’s gonna come up. So having a prepared mind, what we do is we identify all possible obstacles, road blocks that could come up along the way. But we don’t end at that. We then put a contingency plan in place for each one of these possible roadblocks. Because what happens is, if you get that obstacle, well, at least you have a prepared mind, you’ve already thought about the contingency, you don’t fall down, if anything you fall back, you get up and you keep moving forward., because you’ve got a plan, a contingency plan in place. And that is really part of the secret. I know at age thirty, I lost everything. It was starting over again and it was all because I did not identify any possible obstacles, I didn’t take the time to identify obstacles and that’s the reason why I put it in. It’s to save people that mistake of not identifying up front, I was just going, going, going, going, and never took the time to understand what obstacles can come up and if that comes up, what’s the contingency? But you know what? Mine ended up being credit. I was spending money before it came in and the person that owed me money decide not to pay me so I ended up in big debt.
Matthew: Right. Bob, look, that actually, that’s something really interesting. I told a story at a training I did just the other week about – ‘cause the Olympics is coming up, and these guys are, these athletes are masters at identifying what could possibly go wrong and training for that and getting their headspace right. I don’t know if I told the story on these video formats but it’s about Michael Phelps, he was standing up last Olympics, he thought well, I won’t, I’m not going to be at another Olympics, he’s already got seven gold medals and he wanted to go for his eighth. And he’s standing there on the blocks, there’s a 200 metre butterfly, and he dives in. Last chance to get, to break the world record for number of gold medals that somebody can get. As he dives in, goggles come off. And of course, the commentators are saying “Oh well, you know, Phelps, he’s got his goggles around his neck now, it’s all gone horribly wrong. Can he possibly win?”, and he kept doing it and kept going, and he swam through it and he got the gold medal.
Bob: You got it.
Matthew: Sorry Bob?
Bob: He probably visualised that obstacle, what if that happened, what do I do?
Matthew: Well that’s exactly right and actually what he said is at the end when the interviewer asked him “How did you deal with your goggles coming off?” He actually said, “Well, I dealt with it the same way that I did in training.” And they said “So what do you mean?” and what became revealed is that he and his coach would talk about the things that could possibly go wrong in a race and train for it. And what’s really interesting, he went off the rails after the last Olympics, got some DUI’s and of course the media’s beaten him up. He’s come back, dug down deep and he’s actually going to be in the next Olympics. So he’ll be the person who’s been in the most number of Olympics consecutively. Talk about a really great sport analogy, sport story, that exactly aligns with what we’re talking about today.
Bob: Exactly, perfect one. And the thing is this, if you don’t have a coach, you may not be aware of it.
Matthew: Yeah, exactly.
Bob: Having that person, someone to talk to, a coach, a mentor, will put you in that right mindset to look at all the potential obstacles that could come and possible contingencies. Matthew, let’s pick it up again next week.
Matthew: Thanks very much Bob. Talk to you later.

In case you missed the goal log last week. You can still grab it below:

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 24 – Be S.M.A.R.T When Setting Goals

Join Bob Urichuck and Matthew Whyatt in the latest episode of Velocity Selling T.V. Bob shares the three things you need to do in order to make the goals and dreams you have a reality.

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Velocity Selling T.V. Episode 24 – Be S.M.A.R.T When Setting Goals
Matthew: Welcome to Velocity Selling T.V. This is Matthew Whyatt and episode number twenty-five as we take you through an entire year of really getting under the hood of Velocity Selling and how to actually implement these ideas and strategies into your life to make sure you can live the best life possible. We’ve got the founder and the person that created the whole thing, Bob Urichuck on the line. G’Day Bob. How are you going?
Bob: Great Matthew and great to be back with everyone again.
Matthew: Fantastic. Look, we did have a couple weeks off, had some technical issues, but we’re back. And you can see here I’m in my new office, so we’re ready to rock and roll. So last time we spoke about the price you’re willing to pay. It’s not just a financial price, but the physical, the effort that you’re going to go to achieve your goals and one of the things you mentioned is a goal log. So Bob, do you wanna talk us through how you created the goal log and implemented that throughout your training sessions.
Bob: Yeah, cause, you see, what we did so far is we’ve taken the dreams, we’ve narrowed down the dreams, we grouped up, categorised them, prioritised them, we defined yes, we’re willing to pay the price, well now, let’s take one of those goals that you’re willing to pay the price and set it out as a S.M.A.R.T goal. S.M.A.R.T being the usual: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Tied to a Timetable. So, a S.M.A.R.T goal is not to build a house. A S.M.A.R.T goal would build, to be to build a 3,200 square foot, or you know, square meter house, finished it in a certain way with so many bedrooms. So, more descriptive, it’s very specific. So the first part of the goal log, and the reason we create a goal log is you do it for short term, medium term, and long term goals. So for now, a good exercise for everybody is just take a short term goal. Something you want to accomplish in the next, let’s say, twelve to eighteen months. You know maybe you want to pay off a debt or put a deposit on something or buy a car, whatever that goal is, start by writing it out and try to be as specific as you can, don’t forget, there’s got to be measurables, so there’s size or there’s volume, things like that. It’s got to be actionable, and of course, a thing that people miss a lot is the time table. The time table itself has to be specific. If you say, to build that house by July 2017, that’s specific. But if you say, I’m gonna build a house in a year, well guess what, a year from now we’re going to be saying I’ll have that house in a year, in a year, in a year, and that year never comes. So you have to be specific all the dates and with all the details you can. So that’s the first step, is taking the time to write out that S.M.A.R.T goal. Then what we need to do, and this is very important because the more goals are, the more emotion we put into our goals, via feelings, visualisation, you know what I mean? The more we feel it, real, inside, the more it happens on the outside. So what we have to do is take the time to define our outcomes. So Matthew, whatever, do you have a short term goal that you’d like to work on that we could use as an example?
Matthew: So a short term goal I’d like to be recognised as a speaker. I mentioned this, I think I mentioned this in a previous video, I’m not too sure.
Bob: Ok. So, you want to be a professional speaker by a certain date?
Matthew: Yeah that’s right.
Bob: Ok, so you got that date out there. Now let’s, let’s say when is it, let’s use June 2017 as an example. It’s a year, just over a year from now.
Matthew: You got it.
Bob: Under a year from now already, how time is flying. What you need to do is define what are the three things that you see? So, the first thing that we’re gonna do is, we’re gonna define three visual things. I want you to be now, June 2017, what are three things that you see? Close your eyes if you need to. What do you see? Three things, one year from now.
Matthew: Well, three things, one year from now is, I am getting called to have me as a speaker.
Bob: That’s what you hear.
Matthew: Pardon?
Bob: That’s what you hear. What do you see?
Matthew: A check for a speaking engagement.
Bob: Ok, is it about the money? In other words are you finding the right goal? Because iis it to be a professional speaker or is it to earn a certain amount of money?
Matthew: It’s not really about the money, it’s actually about being able to share the ideas I’m learning from you and other areas and bringing that out to the Australian market.
Bob: Ok. So that’s a different thing. So what you would see for example is you would see the audience in front of you.
Matthew: Yes, ok.
Bob: You would see them giving you standing ovations.
Matthew: Ok.
Bob: You would see the smiles on people’s faces and the various emotions that you take people through as a speaker. Get the idea? These are three things you would see.
Matthew: Oh, ok.
Bob: The next thing, what would be the three things you would hear? You would hear applause.
Matthew: Yes.
Bob: You would hear “Great job Matthew,”.
Matthew: Yes.
Bob: “Matthew, I want to work with you,” all these kind of things and then of course the final one is what would you feel?
Matthew: Ok, a great sense of accomplishment, absolutely, and feel pretty good about myself, yeah.
Bob: Exactly. You, it boosts your self-confidence and your presence and your courage and everything else and you know, it’s all these feelings mixed together. So if we live that, inside our mind on a regular basis, we’re going to make it a reality. Napolean Hill said it best, “whatever the mind may, can, conceive, and believe, it can achieve.” So the whole idea here, you have to start inside by visualising, seeing it, making it real in your own head to accomplish it on the external. So I think for this episode Matthew, let’s just break it off here. I think this is enough homework for everybody. First, if you can, when you put out the video, we can attach the goal log book, so we can,
Matthew: Absolutely.
Bob: so we can, start walking people through it. So everybody, download the goal log book. Start by defining your S.M.A.R.T. goal, short term, twelve months to eighteen months and we’ll go through the process. Identify the S.M.A.R.T goal, don’t forget to make it S.M.A.R.T, and the three outcomes. Three things that you see, three things that you hear, and three things that you feel. Define those and we’ll pick it up from there in the next episode.
Matthew: Fantastic Bob. Well I’ll put those links below the video here and I’ll talk to you in the next episode. Bye now.
Bob: Alright thank you.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 23 – What Price Are You Willing To Pay?

This week Matthew Whyatt and Bob Urichuck, Sales Guru, discuss the price you are willing to pay to achieve your goals and make that sale.

VS TV Episode 23- What Price are You Willing to Pay? Transcript
Matthew: Well, welcome back to Velocity Selling TV. This is episode twenty-three and for the last twelve, well, six months, Bob and I have been walking everybody through, walking you through, the steps to, really, not only being a success in sales, but actually in business. If we take it another layer, actually successful in life. And that’s what sales is: everything is a sale. Whether you’re trying to get your kids to brush their teeth or join the, as you guys would call it, the P.T.A, and we would call it the Parents and Friends Association. You know, if you want to get your, uh lead yourself, lead your life, have a better community, it’s actually about being a better person internally and actually taking a bit of a leadership role. So, that’s what we’ve been talking about over the last six months. So twenty-three, that means we’ve been doing this for twenty-three weeks. So what we’re going to talk about now it, we’ve written down our goals, we’ve figured out our timeline, and next, we’re actually talking about the price you’re willing to pay to actually make all this come true. Isn’t that right Bob?
Bob: Exactly. So what we wanna do is take one of these major dreams that you have, you’ve grouped ‘em, you’ve catergorised ‘em, you’ve prioritised them. And you pick one and basically ask yourself the questions: ‘Are you willing to pay the price to make this dream a reality?’ Now, when we talk about price, it doesn’t mean just money. Ya know, sometimes there’s a cost to do things but it also could be effort. Are you willing to give it the necessary effort? Are you willing to get the education to be able to do it? Are you, uh, is it going to affect your relationship any differently? And how are you going to do it? An example would be, my first book. I wanted to publish my first book. I knew it was going to cost me roughly ten thousand dollars. I didn’t know where the money was going to come from but I believed it would come. But first, I had to write the book. So I kinda disciplined myself, I used prime hours, the morning, 5:00 to 10:00am, but 5:00 to 10:00am I realised, ‘Well geez, if I’m going to be writing in my office, I won’t be able to make my sons breakfast. I better check in with them.’ So I checked, you know, made sure the family understood that we’re gonna do, we’re gonna delay the vacation, I’m gonna work in my office from these hours, I don’t want to be disturbed. And there’s going to be maybe an impact on relationships ‘cause I’m not always going to be there making breakfast and this kinda stuff. So I discussed it with ‘em. They agreed and as long as I made breakfast after 10:00 I was ok. So the thing is, are you willing to pay the price. The price could be relationships, effort, commitment, financial, career. Are you willing to make changes? Are you willing to take a risk? Are you willing to pay the price? ‘Cause here’s the thing: If you’re not willing to pay the price to make that dream a reality, don’t even start. Why would you want to set yourself up for failure? If you’re not gonna do it, if you’re not gonna follow through and do the things you say you’re gonna do, if you’re not gonna pay the price….You know yourself, everything comes in direct proportion to the effort you put out. Put out no effort, there’s no result. So it’s the same thing here. So are you willing to pay the price to make your dream a reality? And then you go through each one of these dreams that you have and if you’re not willing to pay the price, remove ‘em from the list. We wanna work with the ones that you’re willing to pay the price to make a reality and that’s what we’re gonna do next as we share what we call the ‘Goal Log Book’ with you and all the steps to go through to take a dream, turn it into a goal, and make it a reality.
Matthew: That’s fantastic Bob. Actually that’s really interesting clarity. You know, people say they have a whole lot of goals but you know, are you willing to pay the price. But I guess you’ve got to figure out what the price is going to be.
Bob: Exactly.
Matthew: And ya know ‘hey I want this house. I want this jet ski. I want these things.’ What’s the price? And it’s not just dollar terms. That’s a really great bit of clarity Bob. That’s um, you should write books.
Bob: laughs Thanks Matthew. I’ll see you next week and we’ll talk about the ‘Goal Log Book’.
Matthew: Fantastic. Bye for now.
Bob: Alright, bye-bye.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 22 – Prioritising Your Goals

Join us again today as Velocity Selling’s very own sales mentors Matthew Whyatt and Bob Urichuck fill us in on the next step.

Velocity Selling T.V. Episode 22: Prioritising Your Goals: Transcript

Matthew: Well, welcome back to episode twenty-two of Velocity Selling T.V. I’m your host, Matthew Whyatt and we’ve got Bob Urichuck. Welcome Bob.
Bob: Hi Matthew.
Matthew: Hey Bob, last time we, we’re going through a process currently where, were written down all of our dreams, all the things we wanna do, be, and have, and the last episode you said, ‘Hey, write down your timeline, your lifeline, starting at zero and saying well, alright, you know what, probably, it’s all gonna end about ninety, as you put it. If we’re all as lucky as that, that’ll be fantastic. Now we’ve put a line in where we are, so currently I’m forty, so how many years have I got, or how many years have the listeners got until they actually want to retire? And that’s the amount of time they’ve got available to really achieve their goals. Then you said, what if you just came home from the doctor and the doctor said, ‘You’ve got six months to live.’ What are the key things you really want to do in the next six months that are gonna go, really make an impact to yourself, family and your life. So, I think that’s where we’re up to isn’t Bob?
Bob: That’s exactly it. So what we do now is we group, categorise, and prioritise. So after you’ve picked all the highlights and you’ve got everything there, you group ‘em. For example, everything that relates to family, that could be a category, family. Everything that relates to family, you group all together under family. The same for financial, the same for career, the same for education, the same for personal development, relationships, whatever your categories are, you identify them, but then group ‘em all together. In my case I found it was five major things that came out. One was family, another was financial, the third one was career, personal development, and business. I found that most of my desires fell into those five categories. So what I did is, you know, I wanna do, I… let me give you an example: family. It’s a matter of chronological order. I wanted to have a family, at least two sons. I’d like to see them graduate, go through University, get married, have grand-children, you know, that sort of thing. So these are the things that would fit into family. Financial would be your present net worth or the earnings you’d like to get or the kind of savings you’d like to have, you know, everything relating to financial. So when I looked at it, I had the five of them in front of me and with each of the little lines I said ‘Where do I start?’ And then I realised you know, if I had a career, that would be the foundation to my success. That would give me the cash flow and everything. So when I looked at career, I realised that if I got this job as a national sales manager, it would pay me the goal that I have in financial.
Matthew: Yeah.
Bob: So you see? When I ask people why they go to work, it’s not about the money, it’s about the stepping stones. So I would go to work to make so much money. That money satisfies a financial goal, but more importantly it allows me to go out and build a house for my family. That career also allows me to satisfy travel. To see Cananda, on coast to coast on expensives before travelling the world. You see what I mean?
Matthew: Yeah.
Bob: And then of course, personal development, I get it within the company. Business I’ll do on the side and on the weekend. So, why do I go to work? Work is nothing but a stepping stone to help me get where I wanna go.
Matthew: That’s fantastic Bob. That really makes sense.
Bob: So we have forms available for people on this where basically, it’s very simple, it allows you to just group, categorise, prioritise. Because you see, the reason I picked the six months is to get you started in this process. It’s easier for you to think of the next six months than it is for the next six years. So we start with the short term. The short term, then we lead to the medium turn, and the medium turn to the long term, the long-term into retirement and on-going.
Matthew: Fantastic. So what you’re asking people to do is group, categorize, and prioritise the goals of, the long list of goals they’ve written it down.
Bob: Well it’s, let’s call it their dreams for now because we haven’t set him into goals. And we’re going to get into that next episode, but alright, maybe in two episodes. The key thing here is really to get all these dreams and try to give it some organisation so we know what’s important in our life and what the key elements are. Even though it was career and it was a sales manager, that career allowed me to get into sales training and the whole sales training industry. So you see, each of these pieces are stepping stones along the way and that’s why it’s so important to lead your life from the inside versus somebody else leading it for you. It’s like in the corporate world we have something called ‘succession planning’. Well, nobody’s gonna decide my future without me getting involved.
Matthew: Got it.
Bob: I used to have a boss that’d tell me ‘Bob, we’ve talked about you, here’s what you’re gonna do.’ And I say ‘Wait a second, how do you know that’s what I wanna do?’
This is the most important part. I want people to do what they want to do ‘cause that’s where they’re passion lies and that’s where they’re going to succeed the most.
Matthew: Yeah. That’s great. Fantastic Bob. Well, thanks very much for that. We’re gonna come back next week and talk about you know, I guess, is the next one we’re going to talk about the price you’re willing to pay to actually make sure these happen?
Bob: Exactly. ‘Are you willing to pay the price?’ is the next episode.
Matthew: Fantastic. See you then.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 21 – Your Lifeline

This week, Sales gurus Bob Urichuck and Matthew Whyatt will be discussing how to set out a timeline for your life. There are some great tips and insights from both sales trainers in this episode to help you set your Lifeline.

Velocity Selling T.V. Episode 21 Transcript: Your Lifeline

Matthew: Well, welcome back everybody to episode twenty-one of Velocity Selling T.V. I’m Matthew Whyatt, your host, here on the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia and we’ve got the founder of the company, Bob Urichuck, up in Canada- Ottawa. How are you today Bob?
Bob: Great Matthew. Great to see you again.
Matthew: Great to see you too. Now, last time you asked our viewers to write down all their dreams, like nothing was impossible. And let’s assume, let’s hope everybody’s done it and if you haven’t done that, go back, watch the previous episode. Just take a pen and imagine it’s a magic wand and write down all the things you really want to do, have, be, in your whole life and just jot those down. So Bob, let’s assume that we’ve all done that. What’s next?
Bob: One of the key things is, you’ve gotta complete that, you know what I mean, within your deadline so it’s all done. The next step we have to look at is, I wanna share with you what we call a ‘lifeline’. You’re born at age zero. Now Matthew, somewhere out there, life’s gonna come to an end. I don’t know if you’ve ever picked a number but think about that and pick a number. Everybody should do this exercise: You’re born at age zero, when do you think it’s gonna come to an end? Now, you can have various reasons. I mean, I thought it would come to an end in my forties because I had a brother that had a stroke. My father died at sixty-seven. However, my mother lived to ninety-five and looked young for her age, and I feel a lot like her, so I kinda, like, based that, if my mother did it, I’ve got most of her genes, I’ll go to ninety-five. So, when do you think the end will be? That’s a key question. So zero, whjen will it come to an end? Write that number down. The next thing I want you to do is write your present age. So we have a scale now. So in this case here, let’s say this for easy math, we got zero and age ninety. If I was forty-five, obviously I would put that scale, I would mark that scale right smack in the middle at forty-five. And at one time I was forty-five and I had goals to age fifty. Because you see, the next thing I want you to do, is write down the age you want to retire. But again, you have to first have to find, what does retirement mean to you? What kind of retirement do you want to live? What kind of lifestyle do you want? To me, retirement meant a couple things: one, to have a business that was global in nature, where I had enough of a brand and reputation that I didn’t have to go looking for business, it would look for me. Another one was to be, to have a certain net worth and to be completely debtless. Now I’ve reached all those goals by age fifty and I have surpassed them and others since. But the main thing here is how you retire, when you want to retire, gives you that sense of accomplishment, you’ve accomplished what you want. So the question is this: you have zero, the end of life- let’s say ninety, you’re age forty-five, your retirement is fifty. That leaves us with a five year gap to get these things done. The question to the participants are: based on your present age and your retirement age, how many years have you got between now and retirement to ensure you could live the life of your dreams after retirement? And that’s the key thing and we call this the ‘Lifeline’. So you can get specific on it and start to place it. Now, the next thing of course, and we’re gonna do this in our next video episode, we’re gonna talk about grouping, categorising, prioritising. But before we get into that, let’s pretend, you had like I did, hundreds of pages of things you wanna do, get done, have and everything else. So what you need to do is, go through a let’s pretend technique. Let’s pretend Matthew just came back from the doctor, and he says ‘You’ve got six months left to live.’ I want you to go to the list of dreams and circle all the most important dreams that you would want to accomplish over the next six months. So what we’re doing here, is all the things we wanted, all the clutter you might say, we’re gonna get specific on the most important ones. Now that we have the most important ones, in the next episode, we’re gonna talk about how to group ‘em, categorise them, and prioritises didn’t take notice. Now it doesn’t end there. In this section I like to get people to thinking further. Let’s pretend, you died. What would you want your family to say about you? Your work associates? What would people say in the eulogy about you? How do you wanna be remembered? What’s your legacy? These are all things that this is a good time to think about and organise because as we move forward we’re going to be placing these things into goals and actually turning these goals into reality. So, that’s enough for today, I think, but does that make sense to you Matthew, to define your timeline, know where you’re at, know when you’re going to retire, how you wanna retire? And of course, thinking about your future and how you want to be remembered.
Matthew: Absolutley Bob. That’s really great, so the general idea is to know everything we want and then figure out what we really want in the next little part of our lives. So thanks for that Bob, I’ll see you on the next episode.
Bob: Thank you.
Matthew: Bye now.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 20 – Your Dreams

We’re back again with Velocity Selling’s Bob Urichuck and Matthew Whyatt as they consider the most important step of the behaviour section of Velocity Selling- Your Dreams.

Velocity Selling T.V. Episode 20- Your Dreams
Matthew: Welcome to Velocity Selling. I’m your host, Matthew Whyatt, and I’m here on the Gold Coast in Australia and we’ve got Bob Urichuck, the founder, up in Ottawa, Canada. Welcome Bob.
Bob: Yeah, hi Matthew. Great to see you again and I think we’ve got another exciting episode planned for today.
Matthew: Look, we do. You know, actually Bob, you’ve achieved a lot in your life. In the last nine years you’ve ranked in the top ten global sales gurus and been in the business now for twenty years, so you’ve really achieved a lot. I just wanted to take you back to how do you actually set out your goals, and the process you went through? So do you wanna tell everybody about that?
Bob: Alright. That’s a great place to start because this is all about personal goal setting, under behavior in Velocity Selling. Matthew, I guess I was eighteen years old when I first had got exposed to the powers of the mind and goal setting and it was through a network marketing company at the time, and I got quite excited about it then, but it wasn’t until I was twenty-two years old that I took serious action in goal setting. And I highly recommend everybody do what I did back then. What I did, well, part of what I did, I called into work sick. Because I was sick of the way my life was going. I wanted to dedicate a day to me, so I sat down at the dining room table with a pad of paper and a pen, and I was kinda, like, depressed, and I wrote down on the pad of paper: ‘Bob, what do you want out of life? What do you wanna be? What do you wanna do? What do you wanna have?’ And I thought, hey, you know what? This could be some fun! Why don’t I pretend my pen is magic wand? And I everything I write down can become real? And, let’s put a time limit on it. Let’s give twenty-four hours to get everything I wanna do, be, or have written down on paper. And this is the first step and the most important step that everybody must do. Allocate a fixed period of time, I gave myself twenty-four hours, you can give yourself a week if you want, you can give yourself a day, whatever works for you. In that twenty-four hours, I wanted to make sure that I wrote down everything I wanted to be, do, or have, no matter how ridiculous, how wild, whatever. And so what I did is I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote. I went to bed, I woke up in the middle of the night and I added another one or two things. I drove to work, got another idea or two and wrote it down and I can clearly remember getting to work at nine o’clock in the morning and holding my notebook up in the air and saying ‘This is all I want outta life.’ And that became the foundation for the rest of my life. Now, there’s a lot of things you have to do after this Matthew. That’s just the first part. And as an assignment, to you, the listeners out there, I challenge you: Give yourself twelve hours, twenty-four hours, forty-eight hours; This is the most important thing you can do. The minute that pen touches paper, you start to cyrstalise those dreams. Start a file on your laptop or on your IPad, and just ya know, ‘Dreams’, and jot down every thought, everything you wanna do, be, or have, write it down, get it down. That is step number one. And then, I’ll tell you what to do next. Now, Matt…
Matthew: Now that’s a great place,
Bob: Oh, sorry.
Matthew: It’s alright. I was just saying, that’s a great place to start. Rather than try to put together strategies and all those sort of things, how to achieve, let’s just get it out of our heads and get it on paper, right?
Bob: But this is the first part. You have to go inside yourself to get that. Only you know what you want, nobody else. But the problem in society today is too many people are looking out here and they see what other people are doing, what they have, that may appeal to them and may not appeal to them. So, it’s not just looking to the outside world, it’s what’s gonna make you happy and successful, by writing this all down. So the challenge in this episode is to get your dreams documented. All of them. To the point where you could say ‘This is all I want out of life.’
Matthew: Very cool. Alright Bob, well that’s a great assignment. I’m actually gonna do that myself again, uh, cause over time, things change. So, uh, thank you very much and that was episode twenty and we’ll see you next week to figure out how to put it all together.
Bob: Alright, thank you Matthew.
Matthew: Thanks Bob, bye for now.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 19 – Why Do You Go To Work

Matthew and Bob team up again this week in Velocity Selling T.V episode nineteen, ‘Why do you go to work?’ to dig deep into what motivates us to go to work each day.

Velocity Selling T.V. Episode 19- Why Do You Go to Work?

Matthew: Welcome to Velocity Selling. This is episode nineteen. You’ve got your host, Matthew Whyatt here in Australia on the Gold Coast and we’ve got our founder, Bob Urichuck, up in Canada. Welcome Bob.
Bob: Thank you Matthew.
Matthew: Hey, so Bob, last time we left the audience with a question and that question was, it seems like a simple one, but so the question was ‘Why do you go to work?’
Bob: Exactly. And that’s a great question and that’s a great way to introduce this whole new segment of Velocity Selling. As you know over the last many episodes, it’s been all about attitude. Attitude towards yourself, attitude towards your organisation, attitude towards a buyer. Now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna start a whole new section on what we call behavior. Behavior and the things we do on a daily basis, um, you might say, our habits. However, some of our habits are ineffective habits and what we’re gonna do is, we’re gonna learn about how to turn ineffective habits into effective habits. Things along these lines. But in Velocity Selling under behavior, we have three components: behavior towards yourself, behavior towards your organisation, and behavior towards your buyers. So what we’re gonna do in this first bit is we’re gonna focus on behavior towards yourself. Now, the greatest line I find I use to introduce this segment, and I ask this of audiences all over the world, and I know Matthew, you’ve asked this of your participants in Australia, what do people answer you when you ask the question: ‘Why do you go to work?’ What answer do you get?
Matthew: Well, straight away most of the time it’s ‘Go to work for money.’
Bob: Exactly. And that’s the answer I get all over the world. Then I teach people one of our questioning techniques. We call it the ‘Rule of Three Plus’. The Rule of Three Plus really means that you never, never, NEVER, accept somebody’s first answer, not even your own. As much as you’re telling me the truth, it’s not the real truth. The Rule of Three Plus is to listen to the answer, question the answer, listen to the answer, question the answer, listen to the answer, question the answer. By doing that, we’re going deep. For example, Matthew, Why do you go to work? Let’s just role play.
Matthew: Okay, well, uh, normal member of the audience, money.
Bob: Money to do what?
Matthew: Money to have things, to live.
Bob: Okay, but what do you need to have and what do you need to live? And we could play this game for quite a while, but you see the way the questioning techniques are going?
Matthew: Sure.
Bob: I’m listening to your answer. I’m not creating a new question, I’m listening to your answer and questioning your answers. What I’m gonna find out through an number of questioning and that’s why it’s the rule of three plus, is that, I’m gonna take you to realising that you have a lifestyle dream, that;s different than somebody else’s. Would you agree?
Matthew: Yes, absolutely.
Bob: It’s your lifestyle dream. And it’s your lifestyle dream. And the real reason you’re going to work is not the money, it’s the money that could help you realise that lifestyle dream. You see, work is nothing but a stepping stone to helping you get where you wanna go. The problem with most people and society is, they’re so busy out here, that they don’t take the time to come in here and ask themselves the most important question, of where do they see themselves in one year? Three years? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years down the road? Or how do they see their retirement? So, a big part of this is to understand that work is nothing but a stepping stone to helping you get where you wanna go. What we’re gonna do under behavior part one, is, we’re gonna help you define where you wanna go. Now, for a lot of people who are in the corporate world, corporations have done a fantastic job about teaching us about performance goals and performance evaluations. However, I have a tough time performing for somebody else, somebody else’s goals, if I don’t have a personal goal that I am trying to accomplish. So what I’m doing here is taking it back a step to the source of motivation. The source of motives to act is a goal. So what we need to do is set goals. So what we’re gonna start with in this whole episode, in the next episodes, is teaching people how to set goals. Not only the short term, medium term, long term, but it’s so that they can see themselves down the road and realise the little things they do today that will help them get where they wanna go tomorrow. And in this, we’re gonna bring in things called ‘Daily Behaviors’ or what I like to call, Daily Disciplines, to help you get where you wanna go. We’re gonna provide you with forms, tools, and all the information you need to set the best goals ever, but not just to set them, but to put them into action and make them a reality. And then we’re gonna take a look at your organisational goals. But first, it starts with you. Even though the process is similar, the way I teach it for you, the same process will apply for accomplishing corporate goals. But, I need to work with the foundation first and that is you.
Matthew: Well that’s fantastic Bob. Thanks very much. I’m actually really looking forward to this. I’ve gone through the training myself, but it’s great to have you here one on one, so I’m really looking forward to that. That will be episode twenty, so I’ll see you next week.
Bob: Alright, thanks a lot Matthew.
Matthew: Fantastic. Bye now.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 18 – Your Attitude Towards Your Buyers and Competition

Episode Eighteen brings us back with Matthew Whyatt, CEO of Velocity Selling, and Bob Urichuck, Founder of Velocity Selling, as they discuss the importance of your attitude towards your buyers and competition.

Matthew: Good morning from Australia again, it’s Matthew here, from the sunny Gold Coast, and we’ve got Bob Urichuck up in Canada. So, welcome Velocity Selling T.V., Episode number eighteen, how are you Bob?
Bob: Great Matthew, and good evening to you. Laughs
Matthew: laughs We are on opposite sides of the world, so it’s, it’s always hard for me to say good morning with you on the other side. But anyway. So, today we’re going to be talking about the attitude towards your buyer’s and your competition. So Bob, let’s talk about that.
Bob: Alright. Well, when we take a look at attitude towards buyers, I guess the question I would ask is: ‘Do you actually believe that there’s buyers out there for your product and services?’
Matthew: Absolutely.
Bob: Exactly. You believe it Matthew, and I believe it too. However, there are sales people and business owners that don’t fully have that belief. And I can remember a personal story, going back, uh, God, well back into the eighties. As you know, I live in Canada, and the part of Canada that I live in is in Quebec. Quebec wanted to separate from Canada and I was selling real estate. And what I found is I was in the Quebec market, and we were drawing traffic from our neighboring province. And I stuck with it for fifteen years, believing, and after fifteen years, I lost faith because I went two years where people just weren’t buying. So I no longer believed that there were buyer’s for my products. So, I fortunately was smart enough to call it quits and move on. Now, times have changed, the market is changed, and you know, there’s more activity now than there was in the past. But, it was our own level of belief that caused that. So a big part for sales people is Do you believe that there are buyer’s out there for your product and services? And if you believe in ‘em, well then, when we get into behavior, part three we’;re going to look into your behavior towards buyers so that we make sure that you get the best return on time invested and that you are attracting the best buyers. So, a big part of your attitude is not only believing in buyers but preparing the mind for what sort of buyer are you looking for? So start describing the buyer. And then another part about attitude is how do you wanna be perceived by your buyers? For example Matthew, and you’re a bad example, but let’s go back to your old selling days.
Matthew: Yes.
Bob: Ok? You walk in on a, what do you bring with you on your first sales call visit? I’m talking about the past.
Matthew: Yeah, well…
Bob: and what do sales people do today? What do they bring with ‘em on their first call?
Matthew: Well, a lot of times, certainly with my coaching clients, they show up with their brochure and the flip chart, and the uh, I was even asked the other day ‘Do I need a power point presentation to do an initial meeting?’ I said ‘No, I’ll be showing up with a pen and a pad.’
Bob: You got it! No you just stole my thunder.
Matthew: Sorry about that Bob. Laughs
Bob: laughs Like I said, what you did in the past, what most sales people do. When you walk in with that briefcase full of brochures and stuff that becomes your crutch. And of course, the buyer’s gonna wanna see everything you have in that briefcase, so what do you end up doing? You end up getting caught in a show and tell, free consulting, and you get caught up in what we call ‘The Buyer System’ and you’re perceived as a sales person. And what happens when buyers see a sales person? The barriers go up.
Matthew: That’s right.
Bob: And all of a sudden, you’re lost. So, we have to look at, we believe in buyers, but how should, how do we want buyers to perceive us? Do they wanna perceive us as a sales person? Or would they rather perceive us as a consultant? As someone who brings value to them. So, what we need to do is change some of the ways we do things. Rather than going in with a briefcase, go in with nothing but a notebook and a pen. What does that project? If I walk in with a notebook and a pen what am I here to do?
Matthew: You’re here to learn and you’re here to ask questions.
Bob: Ask questions, take notes, and learn. It becomes all about the buyer. What’s the quickest way to get earning the buyer’s trust? Making it about me? My products, my services, my company? Or making it about the buyer?
Matthew: It’s all about the buyer. And it’s really interesting to take that, you know I’ve been living that now for about six months and it’s just a really different way to position yourself and the openness that I get from buyers is incredible.
Bob: So here’s the big attitude shift for everyone. Yes, we’ve talked about towards you, the most important person in the world, attitude towards your organisation, attitude towards your products and services, attitude towards your team. Now you gotta look at your attitude towards the buyer and once your attitude towards the buyer? Do you respect them? Are you buyer focused? Are you out to engage them? Are you out to make it a win-win? Are you, do you have an owner’s mentality? And are you willing to share that with a buyer to help them improve their bottom line as well? These are all questions that adjust your attitude to get you where you wanna be. You can do that. The other thing you need to understand is your competition. Who is your competition? We have a very simple form that we get people to fill out in the various areas. We look at your company, competitor A, B, C, D, and then you rank ‘em on all these different factors so you get to know your competition inside-out, and you get to know where your strengths and weaknesses are. So, the other thing with this, is you never criticize your competition. If you know your competition, you could yes, they are very good there, however, did you realise that our area of expertise is more over here? Which would be your strength, versus their weakness. So, knowing your competition is the other important element and you have to have that attitude, that desire to learn, not only about the buyer, but also about your competitors.
Matthew: Very cool. That’s really great Bob, it’s understanding… Should we send that, have that form as available, the competitor ranking form as available to the viewer?
Bob: Definitely. I’ll make it available. Sure let’s make it available to use. It’s a generic form, it’s not customised, but there’s nothing wrong with you taking these, getting the idea and making your own form out of it.
Matthew: Fantastic. Well, we are always here to serve aren’t we?
Bob: You got it.
Matthew: Fantastic. Well, thanks very much Bob, I really enjoyed that and what are we gonna talk about next week?
Bob: Well, I think next week we’re gonna ask the important question. And I want everyone to think about the answer to this question, and next week when we talk, let’s see if they get it. The question is this: Why do you go to work?
Matthew: Well, it’s uh, that’s pretty deep Bob, so on that, we’ll leave it there and we’ll see you next week. Bye now.
Bob: Thanks a lot Matthew.

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Velocity Selling Podcast – Episode 17 – Your Attitude Towards Your Organization

In this week’s episode of Velocity Selling T.V., Bob Urichuck, founder of Velocity Selling and Matthew Whaytt, CEO of Velocity Selling discuss your attitude towards your organisation.

Velocity Selling TV Episode 16- Get to Know Yourself
Matthew: Well, welcome back to Velocity Selling TV. Uh it’s Matthew here, I’m on the Gold Coast and we’ve got Bob up in Ottawa Canada. Hi Bob.
Bob: Yeah, Hi Matthew, great to be with you again.
Matthew: Yeah, good to be here as well. And actually, what we’ve been doing over the last sixteen episodes, this is episode sixteen. What we’ve been doing over that time is really asking our, uh, uh, our listeners to, to understand themselves., and, and really work from a point of attitude, and of course, with the Velocity Selling system, it works in the A, B, C, D, system. And of course, A stands for Attitude. So what I wanted to ask you today Bob, is I guess wrap it all up. How do people really get to know themselves, and, and things like that? So Bob, over to you.
Bob: Alright, well Matthew, we’ve talked a lot about a lot of different things uh, throughout the last fifteen, sixteen episodes, from you know, the definition of success, motivations, uh, uh, discipline. We, we talked about getting to know your rights, your right to fail, your right to ask, uh, we took you through the right to like yourself as you are, the I.R Theory- to like yourself from the inside out, and to make a decision to lead your life from the inside out. There’s one more section that we really just need to touch on here and that is, it summarizes it all, of getting to know yourself. Now, we are the most important people in the world, we’ve concluded that. But, do you know yourself? And when we talk about knowing yourself, it’s a matter of sitting down and writing out your strengths and your weaknesses. What are the things you’re really good at, identifying your strengths, and also your weaknesses. Then, it’s making a decision about turning some weaknesses into strengths, and accepting yourself the way you are. You also need to know, what are your values? What are the things you value most? And, in one of our books, and I believe it’s in Discipline for Life, we have a complete value chart there. And we can even provide that to our reader’s so they can go through and define their own values. But it goes even a step further. And Matthew, it’d be like this: we’d take a topic and let’s take the topic of family. And if you don’t mind sharing with me your answers on this because you yourself are a family man. Now, in your role as family, how would you feel you rate yourself, in performance, on a scale of 0 to 10 for family?
Matthew: Well with the family, I, uh, I do try to uh spend the time that I’ve got allocated to be actually present so I’d say I’d give myself, probably and eight, I know that there are uh, areas I could probably do a little bit better, but generally, an eight.
Bob: Look, you take this as an example. So family we rated as an eight. Then I want you to answer these questions, Why did you rate yourself like this? So that will allow you to put out all the positive factors. This way, you’re identifying positive factors. Then the next thing you wanna do is, what areas need improvement? In other words, what do you have to do to get yourself to a ten? Now, by doing this for family, for personal, for financial, uh, for social, for uh, you know spiritual, mental, career, any of these topics, you’re getting to know yourself, where you stand, and what you need to do to get yourself to a ten. So, once again, we’re always striving for a ten because when you believe you’re a ten, when you start to demonstrate you’re a ten, and you start to feel like a ten, what happens? Your results, are top notch. And that really sums it all up. Again, it’s from the inside. Getting to know yourself, because yes you are the most important person in the world, and you need to put your focus on that. You need to take care of this, cause this is all you’ve got. So, everything we’ve talked about, in attitude towards yourself, is building the foundation to the next steps that we’re going on to. From here, we’re gonna take a look at your attitude towards your organization. Then, we’re gonna take a look at your attitude towards your buyer, and then we’re gonna flip over and flip, and get into behavior, competencies, and move on with the rest of the system.
Matthew: Well that’s fantastic Bob. Uh, I’m going to be doing that also, so I’ll go ahead and find the value chart and put it in below the uh, in the uh, in the comment section on the youtube page and alsdo the blog at our website and look, if, if people are getting some value out of it, if you’ve been getting some value out of this, not you Bob, but the listeners, chuckles, if you’ve been getting value out of this, do go ahead and sign up for a seven day free trial. Have a look at actually what we’re doing. You know, Bob’s talked at a very high level about these things, you know we actually get really deep and go at a whole other level so we can make sure your success, uh, you can build success internally, which will also build external success as well. So look, um…go ahead.
Bob: Sorry, I was just gonna say in addition to that Matthew, the nice part about going online and learning this is, you get the workbook, you get the charts,
Matthew: Yes.
Bob: And you get the tasks and the real life application out of it. What we’re talking about here are really highlights and that’s a good point that you raise, it’s free of charge and really, it’s worth taking advantage of to really increase your learning and your performance.
Matthew: Fantastic. Well that’s what we’re here to do, is to serve people, provide everybody the opportunity to, to grow personally and financially and business wise. This is not just a regular sales course with another tricky way to manipulate the customer. That’s really not what we’re about, and certainly not what you’re about. It’s actually building a level of internal, uh, growth, so externally the business comes to you.
Bob: You can’t give something to the outside world if you don’t have it inside to give away. I need everybody to get themselves up to a ten so they can produce like a ten.
Matthew: Fantastic Bob. Well, on that note, I’m gonna leave it there. Thanks very much for, once again, amazing coaching. I love doing these. Hopefully, everybody else is getting as much value out of these sessions as I am, uh, but, you know, if they’re not, I am, so, uh, we’ll just keep rolling forward. That was episode sixteen and we’ll keep moving forward throughout the year. So, once again, thanks very much Bob, we really appreciate your time.
Bob: Thank you Matthew.
Matthew: Bye now.
Bob: Bye.

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